Reap what you sow, cunt.

149  2018-09-13 by yamuddahscuntthen


Unfortunately for her she's never sown a comedy career to reap anything from.

Her high point is where she’s the main subject of a SJW Cringe Fail video on YouTube that has 1 Million plus views... The vid of her trying to be a man and she fawkin bombed big time....

How will she ever recover?

That’s not the point, she likes to push politics that ultimately lead to censorship, and that includes comedy, which is a sacred art form.

Now she must deal with censorship that comes along with her politics. A small, symbolic victory, but a victory nonetheless.

She's probably making mac and cheese for her stupid daughter right now while you obsess over what she likes on Twitter. I doubt she cares.

It takes all of 50 seconds to report someone’s tweet. Not much obsessing going on.

Then just do it, don't come here and post about it to be lauded for a 50 second act. Do what you want but don't act like you're on the front lines of some gay war.

OP is obviously trying to encourage others to do the same thing. I don’t think OP is bragging and acting like he’s on the front lines as you say.

That’s not the point, she likes to push politics that ultimately lead to censorship, and that includes comedy, which is a sacred art form.

Now she must deal with censorship that comes along with her politics. A small, symbolic victory, but a victory nonetheless.

Did you read this gay shit?

Ya I mean sure do what you will but to sit here making up some fanfic bullshit about fighting censorship and defending a "sacred art form" via abusing Twitter's report function makes it all feel so so lame.

I guess this is why the Anthony or Joe stuff was more appealing. People just straight up said they hate them and wanted to annoy them. So they reported. That's that

you're outnumbered by blind faggots but you're 100% correct, this was embarrassing to witness.

But dude they need upvotes, just like jimmy needs pictures with celebs - and joining the army of "look at me I just reported someone on twitter but have nothing to contribute" brigade will make you popular!

Can you shut the fuck up now?

That's exactly how I feel when I load the page and 80% of the subreddit is "Upvote me I just reported someone on twitter".

It's almost as if some people don't want people fagging up the board with social media brigading and petty vindictiveness/attention seeking

Nah im gna talk as much as I want






I'll zip your sister's jeans down before I give shove my 8 inch black cock up her shitter

No, but now that you quoted it, you're right

Nice white knighting, stupid

Nice whining like a bitch, stupid.

Nice posting the same things over and over again for validation, stupid. Just report her and get on with it, he's right she's probably making food for her kids, you guys fucking suck

This sub has passed you by

I don't think so, this shit has been fagging up the board for months & months, slowly getting worse as people beg for upvotes. If I reports someone of twitter and screenshotted it here, I'd get a hundred or 2 upvotes. It's fucking pathetic. A lot of guys are as bad as Nana and have turned into what they hate - a bunch of validation seeking social media obsessed losers

Real talk, bruh. The upvotes come from the community. If you can’t stand the community and what they upvote so much then maybe you are the problem and don’t belong here. But instead you’d rather cry about it in the most pathetic way possible.

The thing is I have over 10k in comment Karma and 1k post on my other account... but who gives a shit? I lost the password and got a temp ban, didn't log in and forgot what is was... anyway

Other people in this community have found my stuff entertaining, hell this account is less than a few days old and ive already got a few hundred, and i'm making posts that I know will get downvoted. I am what I am brotherman sniff but I have contributed enough to this community so don't pull that card lambchop

Well then don’t bitch about what the community upvotes if they upvote your garbage, stupid.

make more sense stupid

Linger longer

You're validating it by joining the discussion though.

comedy, which is a sacred art form.


Will this be the downfall of r/O&A???

Will we become more annoying than the people we mock?


Feed my Nonna Cumia

This is my least favorite thing about this sub. You’re being an SJW ironically

It really is great, isn't it?

Whatever trumptard, you’re just a HATTER

TSS she's like a Mad Hatter or sumthin TSS

This has nothing to do social justice. It's clearly just vindictiveness - which I can get behind


So is being a faggot, which you have no problem flaunting for everybody.

Good one I suck cock

You're leaning into the beating and I don't care for it.

Some people can take a beating, you are a faggot if you can't imo. I'm taking a principled stand, come at me you twitter obsessed boomers

How bold of you.

Bold 2 in 1 mate one left hand and one right come meet me irl i'll beat you up

Yeah, beat my tonsils up with your dick. Trying to trick me with the promise of a fight, how dare you.

The tonsil fucking comes after I put you in camel clutch, i'll full nelson you. Then comes the facefucking, when you are unconscious... And your unconscious will enjoy it because you are a fruit in the core; your nervous system makes you enjoy a good facefuck

You don't have to try so hard, consider me woo'd.


Do you really mean that? There is no need to fight. Here, put this where it fits and chmod 777:

echo ' hashbang/bin/boom\n \n I do not wish to (harm, humiliate, belittle) {\n $YOU;\n $YOURS;\n $NICE_PEOPLE\n }\n do_not_confuse;\n love;\n




exit ' > /tmp/Booftee_Van_Zandt\'


You'll have to imagine the octothorpes leading those lines in bold type. Formatting surprise.

We're doing it for the laughs. Lighten up, sweetheart

How is "I just reported someone on twitter" for the millionth time funny? How is getting someone banned on twittter funny? You guys are as bad as Nana and have turned into what you hate - a bunch of validation seeking social media obsessed losers

Oh look, it's "above it all" guy.

Above nobody brotherman I am very humble we are all on the same level sniff Let's go to the callers

Clearly not a fan of the show fuck off to your hugbox

what is a hugbox?


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That’s why it’s great though. SJW’s don’t understand the importance of free speech, they think they should be able to censor people but never think I could happen to them.

Feed Na Na

You are 100% correct and this vindictive/pettiness is effeminate behavior that only bams seed should be engaging in

Hey, this sub supports a large gay heroin addict contingency, if we’re not effeminate enough the black dudes who sell our shit might not so readily accept blowjobs as payment.

Also Jesus dude say something funny or do something other than complain.

Today is for complaining about you faggots shitting up the board, so no. Attention seeking twitter posting should be a ban-able offence simply because it's been done constantly for at least 8 months. Re-posts of re-posts. Do you guys really need upvotes that bad on here that you have to alert everyone every time you report someone on social media? Fuck that shit. Literally Nana level begging for validation.

Also if you check my history I got several laffs yesterday. Nice try with the hate though.

It’s always good to set aside days to get things done. And you’re right it is just sad karma whoring a lot of the time, but if it gets more people to report shit then I’m willing to ignore a few threads a week.

Keep on truckin man, it’s an uphill battle, but the tide will turn your way soon I’m sure, it usually does round here.

Thanks for being reasonable brotherman. I just come here to laugh at Nana/Worm and enjoy the quality content and I have to wade through pages & pages of the same fucking posts over & over again to get to anything good. It really is a lowest-hanging-fruit type of attention seeking.

thanks for the support 😊

Aww stinks I wouldn’t call you effeminate, the hair doesn’t help with others though. But you are cute as hell imho. 😘

I think you mean unironically.

She's married to Vos. Poor woman suffers enough.

Rich Vos is an angel on eart!

He's a shaint

You mean poor rich

Yeah, rich man, poor man or sumthin, right? tss

Exaaaactly chip

How hard could it be to be Rich Vos wife? Just fuck him every once and while and let him golf whenever he wants. Boom. Happy rich Vos

He's out of her league

So subtle and so motherfucking devastating.

Hey man c’mon, no need for that word

The need is there. As a girl, I

I award you a medal of bravery/originality for this contribution, it was very funny - my whole family gathered around and laughed in fact - and this definitely hasn't been done ad nauseam for almost a year now. Every time someone reports here telling everyone they just blocked someone I literally shit my pants from laughing. So funny guys.



Feed Nana

It's my desktop background - no need to remind me lambchop

The only gathering your family would laugh at is your funeral.

Jokes on you I don't have any family left

Ah, you got me!

I always win in the end

I fucking hate these hypocritical cunts trying so hard to manipulate the current climate but aren't smart enough to do it even a quarter way successfully.

Having a cousin who recently died of suicide (intentional overdose) that tweet really hurt me. I'm sure it hurt many of you as well for your own personal reasons. Perhaps we should all report it and make it clear thather comments have stirred up a lot of suppressed tramas for many people

What's that a bunch of suppressed tramadol or somethin? How about suppressed morphines

Double opiates cocksucker

Operation Canuck is in full effect.

All sock accounts are to be placed into immediate operational status.

I am wondering how many twitter accounts we could destroy before we end up on the banout sub.

Okay this is kind of funny.

i love that they will have to mentally train themselves to step back and really think about what they're saying and worry about it on a regular basis because of the work of a handful civilians

I don’t like the fact your acting like you’re getting some righteous vengeance on her.

It really is great, isn't it?

Whatever trumptard, you’re just a HATTER

This has nothing to do social justice. It's clearly just vindictiveness - which I can get behind

That’s why it’s great though. SJW’s don’t understand the importance of free speech, they think they should be able to censor people but never think I could happen to them.


Feed Nana

Feed Na Na

You are 100% correct and this vindictive/pettiness is effeminate behavior that only bams seed should be engaging in

I think you mean unironically.

The only gathering your family would laugh at is your funeral.