Things have been too negative lately, lets just kick back and relax to the musical stylings of u/killakuhn

11  2018-09-13 by ERECTLUSHEN


Many a nights I've spent with my brothermen stackin up the grapefruit IPA empties listening to some dietCRACK

ahhh sheeeeiit

He was framed and everybody knows it

Did you guys catch the anti-globalist themes evident in the songs?

Fighting the cabal dominated every aspect of his life. RIP Qadan

This was definitely his “Imagine.”

Imagine there's no children

You may saaaay im a nigger....

He's as untalented at rapping as he is at fatherhood, or thieving

anyone else working on a doc about this guy?

been saving all the clips I can find. if i can get that bro joe clip i should be good

Dear lord...