He's just laughing at these people the whole way and it's genius. Also calls out Silverman's 'commie shit'. Genius

26  2018-09-13 by literalotherkin


'People always say they wanna go back and murder Hitler but I'd be afraid of falling under the spell of fucking beautiful eyes'

Balls of steel.

If Hitler was assassinated, what would the Jews use to be portrayed as victims as their powerbase?

Think things through Sarah.

That’s one of the most underrated parts of the joke. It never gets the laugh in the audience that I give it.

this is a personal fav of mine, I'd forgot what it was called.

fucking sorcerer

There's nothing sadder than the myriad of untalented e-performers circling the around the drain of the "internet celebrity" world.


Norm > Worm

I think I hate Silvermam more than anyone affiliated with the "call out/sjw" crowd. Not because she's the most outspoker or even the cuntiest. But because she pretended to be funny, but then became the most hypocritical. (((no shit)))

Bitch did blackface

The worst thing these nu comics do is try to play along with Norm. That just sliwa it down.

It works best when you don't humor him. Dennis Miller was EXCELLENT at it.

That guy on the right made a Barfyman362 account after how pissed he was at Norm

The 'Arab' line really stung him I guess. What a fig.

It was just a statement of fact.

Without ethnic comedy there'd be no comedy. Hyper-sensitive little fruit.