Where the fuck does Bonnie stand?

89  2018-09-13 by RBuddCumia


Permanently in her husband's shadow

She sucked his dick in his car the first time they met. Jokes on her, he didn't blow up either.

Just blew in her mouth and didnt blow up on the tv guide ( dez niggss is old)

Shes just an idiot - doesn't get Luis hidden message.

Vos's professional shadow is enought to shade an ant

she only liked it because she found out we can see her likes. stick with the hatred towards her

She has a retarded sister pulling on her sleeve and eating pocket change

She’s the retart, nigger! She is!!

Calm down Bobo

She didnt notice the subtlety of the tweet and thought he was being genuine.

This is the correct answer. Retardation runs in her family.

She reads Rich's handwriting so often she didn't realize the capital letters were intentional.

Like I said earlier today. She, just like pretty much all women, have no independent thought. They go by whatever is in front of them. Sorry u/bams_seed but it's true.

Don't apologize to that mutant growth belly button having nigga.

M. Night Shymalan twist:

All this time its been Bonnie who's retarded. She has no sister.

In Jesse Ventura voice: “All this time its been Bonnie who's retarded. She has no sister.”

How Do You kNow iTs Not True? HaVe You Seen them BoTH IN The SaMe PLace? BOTH. BOTH. BOTH. (letters capitilized for Ventura emphasis)

Thermite fingerpaint

The part where Bonnie was in the tent and she looks over and Rich was right there drooling was scary.

In the kitchen making sandwiches acting like it's her choice

Shes CHOOSING to be a shitty comedian and house wife. Nobody forced her into it.

She stands in the background carrying unsold Vos CD's from venue to venue.

Luis J(enius) Gomez's comedic stylings are too clever for Bonnie "Rich Vos' Wife" MacFarlane

Based Bonnie

Bonnie "Patrice is a nigger" McFarlane

And like a true member of the Aryan brotherhood Bonnie McFarlane made her cowardly statement when Patrice was not in the room to defend himself. Shame on you Bonnie.

She wasn't erontc

reported for racist comment

Don't forget to report Bonnie

Or she's a retard, cause y'know....

More importantly, why do you give a shit about how a stranger feels?

God damnit, Luis Gomez has grown on me.

Like HPV from a Puerto Rican streetwalker.

She’s too female to understand even the most obvious subtlety

Bonnie is the Jim Norton of female comics. Coattail riding worm

Who cares

The J stands for genius

I'm assuming she took it at face value.