Real nigga of the week. (Behind Norm, of course).

37  2018-09-13 by RBuddCumia


Didn't R Kelly just piss on a bunch of chicks during sex?

I think one was a minor.

Somehow he skated on that

R&B star privilege.


13yo black girl has more tits and ass than a white woman ever will, not that it matters but looks can be deceiving. I've fucked a few black girls (not 13yo) and as hardcore racist/nationalist as I am, they fuck pretty damn good. I just hate the gigantic asses.

Pretty sure he knew how old she was. That's what the trial was about.

I bet she was into it and got some nice coin out of it so who cares in the end. It's fucking the ones who really aren't into it that makes me sick, we all knew the girls who by 13 had like 50 guys already fuck them so what's one more? But all the grooming shit and such is disgusting.

real ass dude!


The President is a violent criminal?

Which one hasn't been?

But none of those people made millenial tonight show producers cry

Rob Lowe's been on Fallon, despite filming himself having sex with a 16 year old.

I wonder why no one on the show cried about that? I guess filming sex with 16 year olds is okay but not being a huge fan of the metoo movement and suggesting people have a reasonable path to redemption is a big no-no.

wait whut?


Caitlin Jenner

“Bill Clinton... he murdered a guy... he was found guilty by a jury of his peers.”


“ I think we need to get the murder out of the White House.”