Tweet from 'Worm Has Turned' co-writer Bick Bickerson to Jim Norton RUINING THE FUCKING BIT Way to go you fat nigger

127  2018-09-13 by RapistWithAlDS


Fucking worm-sucking asshole.

Bick Tapewormerson

I liked it. Obviously Bicky Boy got his feewings huht and downvoted you.

that's weak

Fucking weasel.

Nobody can ever be fucking humble.

Bick Tapewormerson

The Iron Sheik will take care of that.

It's always "me me me" with these faggots. Are you happy that you got the validation you shameless homo? Die!

Someone didn't get enough attention growing up.

If only you knew his back story, how right you are

All left wing faggots like him have daddy issues.


Think that Fucking idiot believed it when Jim said "I really meant it...I cannot deny funny...You guys are great writers."? He's THE WORM.


You'll definitely like the next one

It's Bobo, isn't it?


Sammy shit pants!

I thought the hate for Jim was real?

Some of us are true haters I can tell you that.

It definitely is for me. I despise that unfunny, backstabbing, hypocritical cunt.

I'm not very religious but I pray every night for the death of all 3 of those cunts. Sam too.

Of course it is. This guy literally felt he didn't get the right credit for his co-writing so he went groveling directly to the worm itself. This is some of the worst faggotry I've ever seen on here and I've seen a lot.


Why would Bick ever send this?! Absolutely infuriating. Ruined the entire bit and smashed hours of work into a fucking wall.

Way to go Bick you fucking retard.

The Worm Has Turned

That name is soaked in irony!

Worms come to the surface afyer rain soaks the soil

Refuse to work with him again, I beg of you.

He's the only other guy here who know englash good tho

I have done. Blacklisted.

Who's the next retard known-name user here will you collaborate with?

I vote the either brian gargoyle or the fucked up belly button mom

There’s this really funny guy, u/KillahKuhn who’s been known to frequent this sub. I highly recommend you use his services - he’s an audiophile, too, so you know the quality of the next production will be thrown sky high.

Pfg sciple, even if he's dead

I swear I saw him alive again recently

what about the retarded small dicked incel?

just @ me next time

SaraLynn, The Worm has Turned could have used a lot more emojis

Why would you think that mushed up wet brain could carry on kayfabe?

Thank you angel

Please do Melton and Denny for your next doc!

Yeah, the guy is an absolute dickhead. If this was part of an elaborate ruse for something in the future that would be one thing, but the guy is outworming the worm like hes boboing for tickets and airtime. Honestly id be happy to offer any help to the project if it in any way helps get rid of this prick.

Boboing, lol

Boboing [ /ˈboʊ-boʊ-ɪŋ/

Verb - present participle of Bobo

  1. To vie constantly for free broadcast airtime, event tickets, and merchandise from a group whom one follows.

  2. To excrete heavy amounts of pre-sexual fluids from one's genitals (often around others) after relatively mild sexual stimulation.

That's what you get for aligning yourself with that fat fuck

You can never trust fatties

He just wants one of his idols approval

After hearing Jim's response on the show, how could that fucking queer possibly want to send this instead of "why didn't you address the Alena comments?"

By the way, if you weren't aware - Bick is fat. Just thought everyone here should know that.

Like Amy Schumer fat?

If Amy Schumer ate her clone, yes.

I say this not to be mean towards Bick, just a notation that people should treat him differently due to his fatness.

Yes, he's an O&A fan

I'm sorry Brick called your project that you invested so much time into a disingenuous piece of garbage in the name of fame hogging. Seriously, genuinely sorry. Sending my thoughts and prayers.

Nordun pulled the old "divide an conquer" that St. Opie always warned us of.

That's what you get for working with a fat idiot commie

Let Jim know that's not Bick's real twitter and you meant every word.

wow this is a bit inside of a bit look at all the dumb fucks you tricked

So many double digit IQs on this sub that are pissed that Porsalin and Bick Bickerson didn't actually get their nose.

Because Jim was willing to give baby boy a few minutes of attention. And while I appreciate Porsalins works, let's not pretend he wasn't a faggot that donated to Dovids patreon.

First of all: He's going by an anonymous name and still begging for credit. Second: WE'RE NOT HERE TO PLACATE TO STUPID NORTON, YOU FUCKING TOOL.

u/porsalin: Cut this fucking prick loose.

He's out.

Swift and decisive, brothaman.

Good news. This is mind boggling. The whole point is to let these things smolder on their own until it eats away at them so much that they have to bring it up themselves

Imagine if Banksy and Brainwash, a week after Exit Through The Gift Shop came out, said "yeah it was one big joke on the viewer. Funny right? Oh well!"

"The baby from eraserhead was just a rabbit lol"

David Lynch

Bill Murray whispered "take care, brush ya hair"

"I miss my childhood sled"

-Charles Foster Kane

"I see dead people." "Yeah I know, I'm a ghost."

Whats his username here? So we can all post our commiserations

Stern. Stern but fair.

Stupid faggot, lets doxx the fuck

You know what to do. Ack Ack


The email associated with that account doesn't mat--isn't mine. You can ask Mutt.

Johnny is on it

Get that guy. You know what to do, you KNOW what to do.

Years late on that one. Literally years.

Gang rape bick! Gang rape bick!


More like Dick Dickerson

Got that motherfucker.

That'll show that fuckin' traitor.

Oh, now that's severe...

Why can't we ever have a nice thing for a fucking week?

Nope.Maybe try r/aww.

Jesus Christ

Glad I never watched this needy bitch’s video.

This upsets me more than your frail gut does you u/rapistwithaids

You feel sympathy pains for me

Super cute

I like it when we can all get along.

This is fuckin sad.

Tick Tock Sam Roberts.

Oooooooooof what a fucking spaz.

We've been bamboozled


Reaching levels of faggot never before thought possible.

Bick, you have dishonored the spirits of your ancestors.

Don't listen to Jim he cried his eyes out over it.

Jim, if you're reading this. Please don't think that just because this wormy faggot wants to kiss your ass, that means the rest of this sub doesn't still hate you, because we do.

Every point in that doc was valid (despite this gay ass excuse of it being done just "to be as cunty as humanly possible").

Indeed Jim; I still hope you die embarrassingly as soon as possible.

Exactly, that little attention staved bitch with daddy issues folded the minute daddy Norton acknowledged his sorry ass. I don’t like Jim & nothing would change that.

We need an apology during the next “Bick on the drink”


More like Fag Faggerson

Nice cry for attention, faggot. Might as well delete the whole thing now.

Snitch snitcherson! I hope he becomes a star in a Liveleak video real soon!

Preferably while buying bananas at a street market in the Dominican Republic

Or on a scooter on a Busy highway in Indonesia. Oh no! why is that cement truck swerving all over the road?


Not sure how you can stretch out “Bick Bickerson is an approval craving faggot.” into documentary length.

A 12 short subject documentary would do

He's added some narrative for my porsalin documentree: 'The tide has turned'

Tss, yeah or how bout Da Clorox Has Shifted asumptin

Ugh, even Amy Schumer knows the only way to respond to a Norton tweet is with as little text and respect as possible.

Can someone please let jimmy know that porsalin and everyone else is not affiliated with that man

Sounds like Prick Prickerson was hoping for a reach around.

Why would you fucking do this? Approval seeking piece ah garbage.

Me hating Jim Norton is 100% sincere. Fuck any bit horse shit.

This just proves my theory, everyone hear would love to drop all this hating bullshit for a tap on the back from one them.

Wow, sounds like this guy really motherfucked you man.

Way to go Bicky, ya big fat pig

u/Bick_Bickerson care to explain this faggotry?

This motherfucker is going to make one about G.H. , isn't he!

It’s literally the most tactful way to deal with an hour long meme documentary about yourself. The Worm wriggles his way out of confrontation once again.

I'm so happy right now. Crying

What a piece of fucking shit.

He's fat too

What a stupid fucking piece of shit.

r/porsalin can you somehow undo this at the start of your next documentary since I know Sam and Jim will at least watch the start of it.

Will do. Bick fucked up.

Mods deleted this thread btw

The person who made that "Amy Schumer Joke stealing compilation" should message her and say that he intentionally made her joke thievery seem worse than it was and that we are all really big fans of hers. Wouldn't that be great?

Honestly, the documentary was so good, I have high hopes for the next one.

what the fuck

Yin and Who gives a fuck about the co-writer?!

This guy is an attention craving cunt. Absolute garbage. Should be exiled from this sub like Danny


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Those who don't 100% hate Nana and Worm should leave this place. They're faggots of the highest order.

The worm has turned alright, this entire sub squarely on its head :D :D :D

You fags are so pissed :D :D :D

I thought jimmy had to address the documentary or else? He did and people are mad.

Groveling jerk-off .... Way ta go, dummy.

I ain’t ever apologized or said it’s all in fun to any of my victims.. I’m trying to slaughter these pieces of shit for real.

The only person who I truly dislike in the OandA universe is Anthony, but you don't go on Twitter and tell Jim Norton that this is all a bit, fuelled by autism for a laff. The fuck's a matter with you?

Imagine getting star struck by Jim Norton. This dude couldn’t help himself, he saw an opportunity to communicate with a d-list comedian (d-list is being generous) who he obviously secretly worships & went into full groupie mode looking for Norton’s approval & downplaying the viciousness of the documentary. How pathetic is your life when you spend a ton of time writing a piece on how Jimmy is a worm only to backtrack immediately the minute you get his attention.

Image deleted what happened?

Nope.Maybe try r/aww.