I don't hate the way jim responded to the documentary

20  2018-09-13 by Tippy_toms_corpse

Fuck me i guess.


I agree. He took it like a man.

Credit where it's due. Norton has become a slimey worm but in the right environment he is still quick witted and appreciates funny when it's there. He has to know Sam is killing his career. He's just do much of a pussy to take his mouth of Sirius' tit

Fuck that he didn’t even take the caller and just jumped the gun rambling about it.

What’s the worst that could happen if they let the caller on air ask a question?

He and Opie are much smarter at how they approach this stuff. Anthony is always a good for a drunken rant but the other don't give much to work with.

I do, but only because it was completely predictable

I agree with your title but I'm not going to fuck you.

Unless you can keep a secret. Then maybe.

Apparently Sam's the one who came off looking bad in the response to it. Putting himself squarely in porsalin's sights. And there's so much more to work with to make him look bad.

Let's all give our opinion on Jim's reaction, guys

I really wasn't interested in his opinion tbh, I just like it outlined Norton as the piece of shit that he is and will be for the rest of his life, if not worse. I just wish they included his sexual assault shit more.