Fucking Horrific

87  2018-09-12 by unclepaul84


ATV face!

Identifies as white

anthony was the original transracial

Any time I get self-conscious about my looks I just look at Anthony in any era of his adult career.

As opposed to his child career?

He was a lil cowboy

And a knob gobbler

horrific. its like his face was designed using the thumbnail sketches god did on a paper towel before he scrunched it up and admitted he couldnt draw for shit.

Looks like Howard Stern after 20 years of decomposition.

hoo hoo grave robins

Hoo hoo I invented vibrating anal eggs, TEL ‘EM FRED !

Beetlejuice lookin nigga

For the love of god man... I was eating here.

Truely magnificently ugly.

Who's been Feeding Nana?

oooo me me me!

Its my Nonna. My Nan-Nan.

My darling Nana girl. Sweet Nonna Cumia.

Oohhh, I could just kiss my computer screen! mwah!

Nana, girl, my baby Non-Non. I'll feed you, precious, don't worry.

My Nan-Nan.


Reading this felt like hearing a comfy bedtime story

It looks like Nana's been feeding daffodils.

He has the complexion of a face transplant recipient

He loved Muammar Gadaffi so much he decided to emulate his looks for the rest of his life after Gadaffi died. Now that’s admiration.

"I cant do coffee cakes that's hard" "No, its easy just put a screen in front of your facevwhike i throw shit at it"

The face of crippling alcoholism paired with extreme financial and emotional stress

Wilbur Whateley lookin ass nigga.

How is his face and the headphone pads of like quality in texture

Who took a picture of an old yukon gold potato wearing headphones?