You're losing spots because you're a junkie, Artie, simple as that.

10  2018-09-12 by SherrodSmallsTongue


Artie's face is the reason why I do my little doodles.

How can you not want to draw that face in a comical way? His nose looks like a fucking ball.

I thought this was a photoshop at first

Nice clinging to your mortal coil, stupid

Yeah, people prefer to book guests who show up.


I tapped out at "Professional Humorist"

Same here. I hit the back button immediately after reading those two words

He also teamed up with Anthony Cumia which is career suicide. He wasn't allowed another chance on Crashing until after his split with CP Media. Seriously doubt that was a coincidence.

theres no way he would get talk show invites now, even if he was as sober as a priest

"Im Syrias" is a funny fucking line. Good for Artie for sticking up for his friend. Seems most people and some worms dont know how to do the same

Jimmy Kimmel: Tonight's guest, star from the movie Beer league and boat trip..... Artie Lange folks.

Audience: collective whisper Who?

Jimmy Kimmel: Sorry apparently Artie forgot he was supposed to be here, So we have the zoo keeper from the San Diego zoo.

Crowd goes wild, everyone that received their free tickets to the show no longer feel screwed.

48 hours later. Artie plays victim on Twitter.

i love how artie made it about himself

i respect people who do this


Has Artie considered the fact that he hasn't said a single funny thing since 2008 as a possible contributing factor?

I was shocked to hear Howard mention that he met Artie through Norm today.

He looks like Crackhead Bob now

Yes but the current rotting corpse of Crackhead Bob.

Nice of him to defend his old pal Norm but come on Artie, stop already. Everyone is sick to death of his retarded life story, either do something new and worthwhile or shut the fuck up already with the addict shit. All he's done for the last nine years is wander around being the out-of-control junkie who used to be on the Stern show. No one cares anymore.

Im not guildy awlroight!

He had a job where he only had to work 8 hours a week and he managed to fuck that up.

On the (garbage) AA show, he was not asked to do any prep. He didn't have to promote it. He didn't have to do anything but show up and sit in a chair.

The list of related Artie Lange articles at the end are hilarious

Both Letterman & Conan told him not to come back until he sobers up. It’s baffling why they ever let him back on. And his controversial Bruce Jenner is not even witty, just shockingly bad.

Romanticizing over the nostalgic, ‘...back in my day .. Athletes .. Wheaties box .. vagina...’ is as clever as, ‘boys have penis, girls vagina.’ It’s not one of Artie’s heavy-rotation bits, bc it never brings laughs. And that’s exactly why It’s become Artie’s go-to whenever he’s discussing ‘everyone is too PC.’ He thinks that bit is gold, and should kill so hard, he should be closing out his lucrative Netflix stand-up special with it.

Artie hates “the jokes” he works hardest on, Never brings the intended response; He has to blame something bc 10 yrs ago ’that would have killed’

Of course for Artie, anything that once “could have killed” is easily translated to: ’I killed so hard...’ bc he puts in the work and he knows Comedy!