Does anyone on here still fuck with Voat?

1  2018-09-12 by Every1ShouldBKilled

Seems to throw out a lot of 403's when you're just trying to get to the main page. On first glance, there's no real search bar.

MDE basically moved the whole operation over there. At the time, they had more subs than we did, but now they're a little under us number-wise(i think). I feel bad for those guys, but I'm more concerned about what might happen with us, including the other fairly innocuous subs that are now being targeted successfully.

Going over to r/Scorch - although funny - might not really fix the problem. If these cunts want us out of their playpen, then they'll just keep banning and banning subs until we're forced to give up.I don't want to face an Anthony-like punishment on the internet. Way too ironic.


This was years ago but I literally had a guy say 'check out Voat' so I immediately tried to sign up and it said 'you can't sign up without an invitation' or something.

So I never bothered again. Just like I never should have bothered to write this and you never should have bothered to read this.

there's one already everyone should join

You have to be invited by a pizzagater like me

I have SEEN children being fucked by politicians

It's been suggested once or twice as a backup before. I've checked it out a few times. Voat gives off the same exact vibe that Gab does - almost barren except for those with impassioned far right wing politics and some niche interests like fat people and tranny hate.

It's certainly a plausible alternative but I feel like if a successor sub (i.e. r/scorch) does get nuked, the whole O&A "community" will just slowly dissipate.

Can't let that happen. Can't give these middle-aged men any respite.

Everyday brother. putts server needs an upgrade for all the Reddit fags that just got banned