
29  2018-09-12 by RBuddCumia


Why do you follow that dumb twat?

I want to cum in her endlessly and coddle her like Vos when she cries. Fuck you haters in here, Bonnie is just like every other girl in the world just tell her she's funny and get on with it. Mindless hate right now. I am not a hater

I’m not saying I wouldn’t put parts of my body into parts of her body. But she is a dumb twat.

I wouldn't say dumb just a bit emotionally immature; I really don't get the hate here apart from the Norm thing; that was a cunty thing to do, fair enough

The hate is the bit, stupid

No I get it. Let's go to the callers

I didn't heroin make you gay

You dropped a word, you butterfingered faggot

I am so sorry


Apparently abstinence makes you inarticulate

I didn't bad grammar make you gay

Guess I forgot to English

One at a time please

I too would shove my foot up her and wear her like a wading boot.

You can cum like that?

There's another way? I'm just doing it like ol grandpappy showed me.

If that ain't tradition family values I don't know what is.

Nice reasonable take, stupid

It's funny, because she's trying to act like she owns it and is proud of being a cunt.

But if some guy called her a cunt in person she'd lose her shit and immediately try to get an internet lynch mob after him.

retardation is genetic

Chromosomal, even.

So many women in their 40s are absolute cunts. It's often hard to tell looking at a 20-year old, but you can see hints of it. I guess it's all that bitterness

She may be entering a slightly early menopause because her timing sucks.

It’s the cognitive dissonance that comes from the fact that they resent men for being better and smarter than women in every way, but at the same time, the only thing that makes them truly happy is approval and admiration from those same men.

Imagine only being able to derive meaning in life from pleasing a group of people you simultaneously hate. I don’t blame them for being miserable and anxious and crazy.

You'd be a cunt too if God made your sister a waterhead

He said 'Um,' not 'Ummm' you extra 'm' adding cummt.

You can cum like that?

Chromosomal, even.