19 Days Until Sam Is Never Heard From Again.

36  2018-09-12 by SamRobertsSucks

Jimmy’s not leaving though. Sam’s salary will be used to pay for a rotating list of comedian Co-hosts.


It would make more sense for Jimmy to leave and sam stay with rotating cohosts .

Except that Sam completely fucking sucks. He’s talentless. He doesn’t belong on a mic. He doesn’t seem to know how to run an entertaining show, so he’s not going to have much of a future behind the scenes either. He’s lazy. He needs a new profession. He rode coattails forever. He thought all he had to do was backstab and wait for his turn. He didn’t realize you actually have to perform and earn your seat behind that mic.

Also he is indescribably ugly.

yep, it's a multimedia word now... unlucky for Sam. Haha!!

You're assuming Sirius values talent? If they did Sam wouldn't have his current gig.

Of course they will keep Sam and Jim and they will lap up whatever crumbs they offer. No one else will have them.

Unless you're a homo rasslin' fan

They hate him, too

They hate him MORE

Remember how he makes fun of Virgil for being lonely but acts like he enjoys sitting ALL ALONE IN A HUGE BLOCK OF SEATS

Sam isn't going anywhere. He will work for half pay doing anything at SIRIUS. Sam is the new Dennis Falcone minus the talent and likability.

When he says "Never Heard From Again" he means on the Sirius airwaves. He will still be able to fetch a mean cup of coffee for the boss. Also technically he will still have his basement show with his wrestling dolls.

In a perfect world, Sirius XM would launch "The Dennis Falcone Show" with the aforementioned host using his staff member Sam Roberts as a footstool.

In a perfect world, Sam would have a flat on his way to work tomorrow. Still stinging from the comments on this sub, he would try to change himself, only to get mowed down by a fire engine responding to an actual 911 call.

And huge cock

The Sam and Brother Joe Show -- coming to Sirius in October 2018.

The Jim Show

Today's Guest: Sherrod Small

Jim and Sam are going to be at Sirius for the foreseeable future. They ain't going anywhere. And, if Jim decides to leave, they will give Sam his won show. They love those two ass kissers.

Sam has gotten worse on the air. I remember loving Sam segments

He was fine during OnA in small, sarcastic doses. Sam can be dismissive of Opie all he wants, it doesn't change the fact that he was only ever good on the air under Opie's guidance. As a main engine of generating content, Sam is completely useless. Some guys are not cut out to be leading men. Jim is also miscast in this role if we're being honest, when you consider how much better he fit in as third lieutenant. Jim as the third man was universally loved, and it was inconceivable a day would come when he caught a backlash.

If they don't re-sign Jim and Sam, will they some how justify keeping Ellis on the air? I can't even listen to ads for that show.

I want Sam to compete against the other 100 shitty wrestling youtube shows out there without the benefit of Sirius to promote himself.

Kinda fucked up considering this dude has made us laugh. I agree cüümia is awful but damn boyzzzzzz sam just bit at the hook when he had the chance. Let the man be. I honestly hope he lands on his feet. I’m drunk, love you faggots, fuck Kuhn

I'm keeping you to this.
