Called in to razz Jim about ignoring the documentary. While on hold and listening to this shitty show, the fucking Worm MENTIONS THE DOCUMENTARY.

119  2018-09-12 by TangerineReam

Said that u/Porsalin hates him, by default u/Porsalin is wrong about a lot of things, BUT IT WAS FUNNY.

Claims he watched half of it on the way to the Cellar, did his set, watched the rest of it on the way home from the Cellar. Says there was some great lines, that u/Porsalin is a great writer, that his favorite line is how Jim quit drinking "after two years of mischief", loved the British delivery, even plugged his Patreon of all things.

Sam cackled like a worthless hyena and apologized to Scorch again. Then they got sarcastic about the part in the film that mentioned how disloyal Jim is.

It should be noted that Jim addressed this all in a rush as he was leaving the studio to take a shit.


He kind of had to, the longer he goes on pretending it doesn't exist, the worse it makes him look. Jimmy laughing along and pretending it doesn't bother him made me smile. Jim and Sam going back and forth confirming to each other that none of it was even remotely true reminded me of when O&A would do the same thing. Of course we had Anthony years later confirm what everyone already knew that they denied on the air for so long: They hated each other's guts.

The question is who are they lying to? Themselves? SiriusXM? The dumber fans who've stuck around through their awful shitshow which I've never seen a fan say a good word about?

Mostly themselves.

Honestly, I would have preferred if he just ripped it and called porsalin a stupid asshole fuckstick. Because that would have meant that, for once, Jim was actually real and not just "inoffensive voice on the radio played by Jim Norton."

In hindsight, you can hear the insincerity in Anthony's voice when he'd fake laugh off the "we don't have issues with each other" stuff. It's the same insincerity you can hear in the "Artie is doing great! We make a great team!" AA segments.

Can't he see behavior like this is what has made him so reviled in recent years?

No one in the O&A universe has a gram of self awareness.

I'd love to know why they think fan opinion has done a 180, in the last few years. How do they possibly justify it to themselves?

they never respected or understood their own fanbase and most fans were pissed off teens or man children so they didnt really deserve respect. then some people grew uo and they never did

its like when a celeb gets famous at 12 and is stuck in that mindset forever because they never have to grow out of it

I can see that, Lorenzo. Reminds me of that 70's sitcom kid with the shitty bowl haircut, who could never move past his initial success. Fucker still attends conventions looking fat and defeated, with his out of time signature bouffant still in place. Can't even remember his name..

its like when a celeb gets famous at 12 and is stuck in that mindset forever because they never have to grow out of it

Corey Feldman

Alot of truth there

we can never understand, we are just civilians

Doomed to mediocrity, if not outright obscurity :(

Joe and Dawna kids don’t have a gram either

Dr Steve does

What else happened?

It was the Jim & Sam show, so obviously nothing.

Line Of The Day!

How long did he prepare himself in front of the mirror, beads of sweat pearling down his feminine skull, repeating between his teeth : "It's not a big deal, I'm still relevant...".

This is the only segment this show has done that i want to listen to

Ah, the most damaging part of the mockumentary, the regal antics of "Prince Jimmy," went totally uncommented on, I assume?

Pretty sure Jimmy was the princess in that relationship

Splits has really needed a lot of bathroom breaks after the Princess went balls deep.

He/her really opened up those bowels after having its way with Jimmy's ass.

It was just a few years ago that Opie said Jim never took shits during the show. He must be a mangled mess down there now.

He invited Pig Schumer to his apartment to share a microphone defending each other but she was also taking a shit.


It was funny, Jim?

You think it's funny that not only are you called out for trying desperately to throw someone who helped your career under the bus to get ahead in the current SJW climate but exposed for stealing money from your fans?

Get aids and die, cocksucker.

He already has the AIDS, though.

Not aslong as he's taking his cum in the ass medicine.

Doesn't sound like he addressed any of the real criticism in the documentary. Not surprising.

He takes PrEP! We gotta switch out his meds with a placebo.

It should be noted that Jim addressed this all in a rush as he was leaving the studio to take a shit.

Always brings it back to his ass doesn't he.

If someone made a viral documentary about me and a lot of it was wrong I’d make it a point to explain how it was wrong. It definitely hurt him.

I don't think Jim takes enough time away from his self pity to give much else a thought throughput the day.

I get that there's plenty of creative hyperbole in the thing. But to just sweep the entire thing under the rug claiming it to be plain wrong is crazy to me. Sure, I was descriptive and shit but that doesn't mean Alena didn't clean you out only to fuck other princes! Nor does it give those truckers impossible-to-give rewards for a cartoon that was never made. He stuck up for Amy, betrayed Louie and would absolutely be in obscurity if not for Opie dragging him on radio. You earned shit, worm. You were given tough crowd and lucky louie despite not being particularly funny or talented on either. You just happened to be around at the time and had influential friends.

Let's talk about talent. Anything you've tried to do solo has stunk. The vice show. Your advice show. The animation. Jim and Sam. The podacast. All fucking garbage. Your success is the product of generosity.

that fucking podcast. soo embarrassing

Retards like it so he can lie to himself and say it's good because it gets views

So when's the sequel?