"So I actually wrote something and it’s about getting grifted because of course."

4  2018-09-12 by PowerfulSir

This the pinned tweet of one of Norm Macdonald's attackers.

Why do horrible women on twitter type like that.


Oh and another thing: my psychology is oddly uncomplicated...

That's a fancy term for "dumb".

Forward.com: Jewish. Fearless. Since 1987.

Holy shitballs.

But yeah, the CIA controls the alt-right and that's why Twitter is a haven for white supremacists. Tumblr's survival is nothing short of a miracle under Drumpf.

If I had to guess it's because they don't read books.

Why do women spell incorrectly and have terrible syntax and grammar? Gee, I wonder?

Does she have scoliosis? Her twitter pic is terrible.