If you had any doubts that Bonnie is a cunt

314  2018-09-12 by Ant_Sucks


Her sister is the one who got the brains in that family.

Dress up as a man and bomb again with your A material cunt

Don’t forget her hilarious closer: crying because she didn’t get the pity laughs she’s used to for being a decent looking chick.

Her tears also came from the realisation of something she, and a lot of other women, suspect (or outright know) but can never say out loud. That life is harder as a man.

No one cares what you look like, what your excuses are, if you had a hard life or not, if you're not feeling well. You are judged entirely on your performance and results. Did a good job yesterday? Who gives a shit. Do it again today, and the next day, and the next, or you can put your things in a box and I'll find someone else who can do the job properly.

Scary? Sack up, whore. Welcome to the world of men. That patriarchal, old boys network ain't what you thought it was.

Feminism is the belief that men treating you like a princess when you're young and attractive should continue well into when you've become an old bitter hag. Watching Bonnie come to the realization that she's not actually funny and she's survived thus far on the same pity points as every woman on the planet is great.

its my only solace watching female comics shoot past talented males everyday

especially the ones who burn the candle at both ends partying all night, destroying their looks which is their main purpose in entertainment

I love watching Cameron Esposito realize she's only interesting because she eats pussy.

Bitch! Lesbian!

Cameron Esposito

Tig Nataro with tits?

Wow, the resemblance is fucking weird.

What is it with butch lesbians and dressing like 14 year old skater boys?

It really was a Kodak moment. Watching stupid Rich struggle to come up with compliments was the icing on the cake.

It was a humanizing moment for Vos; anybody who has a long term girlfriend or wife will tell you that you basically need to treat them like children. It's the male drive to protect women from the realization of their own incompetence. It was like he was telling his homely daughter that he still thinks she's beautiful, it's depressing but what are you gonna do?

Come up with compliments and not bust out laughing his ass off.

I heard someone say "When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression."


99% true. Life as an adult male involves literally never doing what you want. Just step up and be amazing and sacrifice everything doing only shit you dont want to do until you convince yourself that cleaning the gutters is a goid time because its the only hour in the week you get to get away from nagging and orders and pressures and just be alone with your thoughts.

But to say there ain't a patriarchal mens club where you've got it made solely based on the family you born into and the connections you made is bullshit.

It most definitely exists, we just aren't the privileged few born into it.

Wait, she cried? Really?

Yeah, she dressed up like a dude and did her material, thinking that it would be a great way to show how much easier it is for male comics when she got a ton of laughs, except her material sucks and she got dead silence because nobody gives a fuck about being nice to men. She sat on the steps outside and cried and Vos comforted her. I’ll give her this, she could have easily just left the entire thing out of the movie since it disproves her entire point, so she deserves a little credit just for having it in there at all, but she still comes across as an oblivious dummy.

So she legit cried after that stunt? LOL.

Well it is great to know that stunt failed.

was their any doubt it wouldn’t fail?

I hope Rich is getting a firm handjob in the front seat of his car from a hairless Puerto Rican boy, while Bonnie is on speakerphone crying about some anti-woman agenda.

Also in her defense she do such a bad job as dressing like a man nost people were probably too busy trying to figure out why a 12 year old boy was wearing dollar store props to look like a half Hasidic Jew and a half hindu and missed most of what she said.

this, someone doing comedy professionally should know distractions are death to well written jokes because you gotta basically hypnotize your viewers when doing comedy. she has an open micer mind set because all the talented male comics she fucked or that wanted to fuck her wouldnt give he any medicine. the soft bigotry of low expectations affects women so much its scary

Is there video of this? I need something to edge to tonight.

It’s in her movie Women Aren’t Funny. Right after it came out it was really easily torrent-able, but I’m not sure the demand has been there to keep it active.

And then go be comforted by a man who is a successful comedian.

WTF happened to her? She's is a bitter, unfunny cunt. She used to be OK.

One whiff of success, and they show their true colors. Same thing with Amy Schumer.

Jirn Morton

The only success she has is to be able to fuck Rich Vos.

Vos is a very good looking man, in spite of his turtle hands.

I fisct on the firsct date HAHAHA loscen up folksc!

Her whiff of success is much like the whiff i get from my great grandma's soiled knickers

Nah she had a small whiff not a big whiff

She passed 35 without serious fame, so now she blames men for her failure

She must have forgotten that she bombed just as bad if not worse than usual disguised as a man.

In trying to prove her feminist horseshit she disproves it and cries like a girl saying "i cant do it as a man. I cant do it as a woman"


Watch it again and laugh

Better than I remember it being. This honestly deserves its own post.

Lmfao this has to be a bit, no way she’s crying because she bombed.

She's crying because she bought into the retarded feminist lie that being a man is super easy, a life of entitlement and leisure, an old boy's club where men laugh at men because they are men who support men, and really it's the women who have it hard in the world, what with washing, scrubbing, fucking, giving blowjobs, having children, caring for children, shopping, cooking and crying.

Then it turned out to be practically the opposite. Her entire world flipped on it's poles.

What is going on in these comments (I love it)

double cunt fist!


When she said rich was laughing at her not the jokes is hilarious.

It's hilarious how Rich is trying so hard to be sincere. He almost cracked a few times. Saint on eart.

Holy shit...that's embarrassing!

I think that broke her brain, she was 100% that her bullshit out of the mouth of a man would light any room on fire, the crickets she got was the worst possible outcome for her.

That was great. It evoked the exact same response as seeing a kid drop his ice cream. Slooooow slide and bam, tears.

She's tried to fix her shitty comedy by working on her gender instead of her terrible delivery

Did she talk in a fake put-on deep voice

like kids do when they try to imitate an adult talking, too? lol

Fucking worthless, no-talent bint.

P'raps lack of talent is the true culprit in this taleel.

Nothing “happened”. She’s always been a cunt. We just didn’t notice or she was better at hiding it. Same with Amy Schumer.

Schumer just plain sold out. She has to have. Guys already liked her before she got big, so what would she have had to prove. She forced fame and money with a political agenda that was easy to implement because there are millions of useful retards out there.

Bonnie's documentary failing must have felt to her like a personal rejection, and I'll bet she felt like she had no recourse but to join "the movement" with 100% genuineness. If she would have become a big success on merit I bet she would be cool now.

She didn’t get ‘big’ she was always a fat cunt

Nope. Women are cunts when left alone. If left to their own devices they vote for Democrats/fag culture politics every time. Some just know to hide it.

Oh shut up, go get laid for once in your fat miserable life

Looks like I struck a nerve.


Liberals declared war on humor 11/9/16

Rich Vos (by what was said by members ofthis sub over the years) constantly hits on women on the road,playfully or with intent we now not. So if we assume that Vos cheats on Bonnie,and Bonnie knows about it but bc she;s a bit cooky can't blame Vos but blames other men,which is perfect woman logic. Might explain why she has become such a shrill witch,she's used to being on the road fucking ugly jews and is now stuck at home raising some old guy's kid.

I mean look at her, she married fucking Vos out of all the other options there for her. Her judgement has always been impaired to some degree

She's the one who cheats on Vos. She talked herself into a corner once about it. She was used to talking circles around Vos and felt no need to worry but Colin was there and caught her. He had the good grace to slow to a stop and change subjects before Vos realized it, saving their marriage in the process.

Is there a clip on youtube with this? Id be interested in listening to that

Rich Vos will be performing Saturday, September 29 Funny Stop in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio

and Thursday, October 11 at Omaha Funny Bone

Also ONE NIGHT ONLY PERFOMANCE Saturday, November 17 at Laugh out loud comedy in Poughkeepsie

Maybe sharia law isn't such a bad idea?

Fuck, I’m beginning to think so, myself.

Not barbaric enough towards females.

I already converted.


I've heard a lot of tings about this Allah guy. I heard tings.

She's just resentful because she's an old nobody.

Do some nudes already, whore.

There's a pic of her standing in a field with her tush out, somewhere.

Her biggest accomplishment was marrying vos

That literally gave me pause. Fuck.

Can anyone here with Twitter call her a cunt please. She really is revolting

I think the Anthony Cumia army needs a word with her

the pests you mean?

Yes, because that wont play into her narrative people hate her for being a woman and women in entertainment face harassment.

Fuck the O and A fanbase is dumb

Who cares? Drive her even crazier because she’s a cunt.

judging a woman on something other than what she looks like


Not judging them on how submissive they are and how many dicks they've taken

Okay faggot

I didn't have a single one. She's been a bleating humorless sack of social justice feminist shit for ages.

All women support fag culture or nigger apologia unless their man corrects them. Unfortunately, Bonnie is married to Rich Vos.

Only in this country and Europe.The rest of the world expects you to be a man.

I read the article. He said nothing controversial.

Norm apologized for the interview 10 hours after it was posted.

I would think of all people, he could spot fake hollywood outrage.

He's got a netflix show now I don't blame him for caving in. They pay comics millions for a single stand up special.

Wait really?? What's the name?

Norm MacDonald has a show. Comes out on 14th

With how woke netflix is, let's see about the coming out part.

Yeah they're gonna fuck him over one way or another

He’s got a Netflix show for now.

Even with the apology, this could still easily torpedo him.

The court of public opinion demands swift action by employers whose employees are caught voicing personal opinions the court disagrees with.

Fucker needs gambling money. Poor bastard.

his apology sounded very normish. i'm sure it was sarcastic.

That's kind of a "sorry if you took it the wrong way" apology. The least apologetic of the apologies.

I don't fault him for the apology as painful and gay as it is. Only thing is, apologizing to these cunts doesn't really do much. They see blood in the water and just want more after that. None of these pieces of shit give a fuck about Norm or would have ever watched anything he does.

its a bit hes doing

Cher you're gonna be dead soon and your opinions will die with you.

This is a different cunt.

Cher tweets like a 14 year old girl, it's gotten to the point where it looks like a legitimate mental disorder.

I hope Rich scolded her for being such a sourpuss.

Here’s da thing, Bonnie, uhhhhh, yknow?

Maybe she's been relatively quietly going through some Cumia-like dementia over the last few years, because I used to think she was one of the good eggs.

Nope she's always been a cunt.

"Opens google doc of cunt women"

"Bonnie moves up on the list"

Wow, google docs can handle a spreadsheet with 3.5 billion entries?

of course - one man specifically made sure that its possible while working on it.

I want Norm to get fed up and start trashing people and turn into an insult comic like kevin brennan did

I'd love Louis to start throwing shots at other comics too

He probably doesn’t want to motherfuck anyone in particular out of fear of an industry lock out.

Patrice smelled the cuntness she was oozing.

Bitch's pussy smelled like mini burgers


This cunt needs to be taken down a few pegs.

She's on like the next to lowest peg. You can'd do much to kill her very successful career of playing to 50 people at Uncle Hilarious' Chuckle Shack in Eatfagfuckston, NJ.

Bonnie is forever on my shit list for doing this. Which is not a place you want to be if you dont want to be called a whore on Reddit!

She'll rue 9/11 from here on out

All I know is I went to the cinema arts center in Huntington and there were flyers because she was playing the Cafe.

I hope this cunt's ovaries get Hiroshima'd with cancer.

Fuck Cher too. I wouldn't fuck her with her daughter's dick.

A woman backstabbing someone in her work environment ? Wow, now that's something you don't see every day!

... and Norm apologized already.

the sad bastard

I feel like woman encourage dick pics and jerking off in front of them for blackmail reasons. "Well you should have known better" thats not a valid response to me

What happened? She showed us half of her ass in a documentary and for a while people thought she might be cool?

just men?

It's times like this that I admire Saudi Arabia for having Sharia law.

I was on the fence about Bonnie. Fuck this jealous cunt for shitting on Norm. His dumb shaggy dog jokes are better than her whole act.

I’ll agree. I didn’t really care about her either way befor this but it rubs me the wrong way.

She’s bitter that her biggest accomplishment will always be fucking Rich Vos.

Who you can see Thur, Fry and Sat at Comix Mohegan Sun, CT


Ain't that the truth. No one would know who the fuck she is without Vos.

Wow another person in the O&A universe who used to be cool and now is loathsome.

That's only the 80th time this has happened since 2014.

Who, exactly, are Roseanne's "victims?" Who did her tweer harm? Do I not understand the meaning of the word "victim"?

Yeah, he should have used "survivor."

"never again"

Unironically rting Cher alone makes you a cunt.

u/porsalin i think this one has 5 mins of legs

Bonnie is unfunny but the world doesn't need another funny guy becoming an alt-right nutcase like Anthony did. Norm, stop that crap now before it's too late.

Defending your friends isn't alt-right. Stop that shit thought before it's too late

You are gay bro. You like dick in your ass bro. You love sucking cock. Fucking gay ass.

Bonnie is unfunny, though not as unfunny as other female comics (faint praise damning here)

Cher has been a Hollywood left/libtard for decades--and is way past her shelf-life

Norm M. had a good point, and Bonnie calling him on it was a dumb move--a mistake her sister wouldn't have made

Norm M. did not make an alt.right rant. Ant is an alt.right  nutcase though. If he ever wants a decent co-host or somehow get back in SiriusXm's good graces, he needs to tone it down and stop having wackadoos like Gavin on his show.

Some of the comments here must have jumped the fence from Return of Kings.

You're a faaaaaaaggg!

Everything I don't agree with is alt-right.

What a vile cunt. Poor rich.

Her tits look like those Medieval coin satchels.

And Rich has to look at that and pretend to like it ....

Oh no, she didn't cross the line by going after this SAVANT GENIUS who only you HARDCORE comedy fans have the wit to understand and appreciate did she

Haha detached random irony is the pinnacle of comedy Norm is really letting the watered down mainstream have it xD

Cher is upset that her sweet little girl grew up to be a union plumber.

god damn rich's cunt.

"I hate Rich's cunt!"

Cher is a fag.

there's nothing I hate more than a nothing woman, who gets with a somebody guy (not necessarily famous, just who has anything going for them) and then they act like they are immediately this guys equal. Then if the guy has the temerity to act like he knows more about a topic, even if it's something he's specifically worked at, she will get offended and demand he appease her.

Bonnie is unfunny, though not as unfunny as other female comics (faint praise damning here)


Cher has been a Hollywood left/libtard for decades--and is way past her shelf-life


Norm M. had a good point, and Bonnie calling him on it was a dumb move--a mistake her sister wouldn't have made


Norm M. did not make an alt.right rant. Ant is an alt.right nutcase though. If he ever wants a decent co-host or somehow get back in SiriusXm's good graces, he needs to tone it down and stop having wackadoos like Gavin on his show.


Some of the comments here must have jumped the fence from Return of Kings.


This cunt was mad about her own daughter becoming a tranny and now she is “Woke Queen”. Aneeican pop culture is a sick parody at this point.

Bonnie only exists as the husband of Rich Vos and I like Richard Vosch but he ain't shit, either. She's the husband of somebody in the entertainment for forty years who is still doing MC gigs at Bananas in Poughkeepsie.

Can we get that clip of her calling Patrice a "nigger" to blow up?

Honestly, his quote sounds very edited to me.

To insinuate that Norm is trash and Rich is worth marrying and gestating a child for... is just so enraging.. I think I have to Dimebag this bitch.

That old bag of bones has never made a Google doc in her damn life

Norm MacDonald is funnier on his worst day than Bonnie could ever hope to be.

Fuck I love Norm

She'll rue 9/11 from here on out

Who cares? Drive her even crazier because she’s a cunt.