all things considered, I still enjoy Jimmy on some level

10  2018-09-12 by Tugguh

but if he never addresses 'The Worm Has Turned' properly then I will lose what little respect I still have for him.

how the fuck does somebody manage to have 2 1/2 hours of time to fill 5 days a week, where you're looking for literally any kind of mundane topical bullshit to stretch into a 20 minute segment that will probably be lazily slapped into some who gives a fuck "best of", and not address a feature length documentary that was made about you?

it really is one of the most spineless things the little coward has ever done, or failed to do rather.


He doesn't care about you or any fan, and is just going through the motions for a paycheck. Nothing else to it.

"This isn't some creative endeavor, it's a way to make a living." Jim, on doing radio with Opie.

It's a tough one man, on one hand I have been handed a loyal fanbase on a silver platter that has stuck with me through years of shit - but on the other hand I can overindulge myself and constantly chase trivial gratification, shitting all over the fanbase that propelled me to any sort of success/money. Those scccumbags won't let me indulge myself every second of the day so why should I even bother trying? looks at phone

I honestly wonder what the tipping point was. Where Jimmy officially went from "be brutally honest about my problems" to "my personal life is my business and I'll be keeping it to myself". He's not strong enough as a comic to succeed with the second option, very very few are. Had he kept his personal life to himself, he would have never been hired as the third mic on O&A.

To me, it's the greatest sin of all. Smugly thinking he's "evolved" and doesn't have to do the thing that brought him every penny in his bank account. You drop $200 to take the wife to a Penn & Teller show and P&T decide they're gonna do interpretive dance instead of magic because that's the decision they've made and if you want to see magic go ahead and buy Criss Angel tickets.

Well, in the first place he only aired his dirty laundry because it was a way to ingratiate himself to O&A and the Tough Crowd audience. He won't do it now because his life isn't filled with debauchery, it's just pathetic.

He also thought all that fake tranny chest shitting stuff made him edgy & interesting. He wasn't being 'brave' by going on about that shit, it's exactly what his audience wanted to hear, but when shit got real with Prince Alan, baby boy starts dropping calls.

Jimmy really is a spineless swine.


The reasons people have for hating him are becoming hyperbolic

Jim is a sell out and I hate him

Can anyone tell me what the worm documentary is?

An extension of the saying "...and they say we have no effect on their lives".

We we do, it's a ball.

When we don't, well, we don't take to kindly to that I guess.

I never liked him.

Thats a tough one man, on one hand he could address the doco like a man, and on the other he could speculate about news stories that aren't entertaining at all.