On this day, lets not forget Christian Adams, the soy-fed german passenger on flight 93 that tried to warn the hijackers that the passengers were going to revolt

0  2018-09-12 by I_want_Forbin


In tribute, I punched a total stranger today for being Christian ... like a black fly in your Chardonnay

reported, you sick fuck! boo hoo!

You're following him around to other posts because you're butthurt? Holy fuck, you are acting like a woman.

I like your second account :D fag

Brilliant retort, ya fucking woman.

Yay, you're both stupid and petty

You are doing the exact same thing to me because I 'triggered' you, stop following my posts you woman

Except that there’s no evidence that he did anything of the sort. This article is about his widow didn’t want to participate in Greengrass’s (terrible) movie, so the script set his character up to be the fall guy. And the actor playing him went along with it.

They were being kind to the appeasing little shit's family.

One of the passengers mentioned him in their phone call. Are they lying?

Are you sure? I hadn’t heard that. If you’re just basing that off this movie, well that’s a mistake. Lots of liberties were taken to pump up the drama in this stinker.