When all is said and done, this is what The Worm will be remembered for

278  2018-09-12 by ShutYourCakeHorn


implying he'll be remembered

He'll be in the wormhole of obscurity.

Has Jim referenced the film at all on air or twitter? He surely has to be aware of it now.

I'm sure he's seething about it in private, but he'll pretend he isn't bothered by it in public.

He'd tell you if it bothered him, dude. Genuinely.

I'd like somebody to explain to Jimmy that just because you use the words "Sincerely" "Genuinely" "Honestly" with a sincere tone doesn't actually make what you are saying any of those actual things.

"I sincerely didnt kill my wife Judge I genuinely did not push her down the stairs I'm honestly telling you the truth I absolutely would not lie about this" - Guy who pushed his wife down the stairs.

He mentioned about the cartoon money on Chip Chipperson when Chip accused Jim of taking peoples money and Chip kicked Jim off his show haha

He is looking for a clever way to call the creator a baby boy.

Porsalin was panicking, clearly.

He doesn't want to motherfuck the guy. It's a tough one. Jim really doesn't hate Porsalin. He would tell you if he did. He likes Porsalin, honest. He wouldn't lie.

“Yeah someone posted a video about me on youtube, it’s fine, it’s okay if some people don’t like me. I really don’t care. Fans of the old show can feel that way...” snort “It just really pisses me off when theeeeese scuuumbags nitpick every [thing they don’t like about me]. You’d have to be a real asshole to think I’m a hypocrite. Some real motherfuckers out there man.”

"Chip evolved ...."

Odds on him making a shitting joke about 'porsalin' with Sam cackling maniacally in the background?

You don't think someone making an hour long documentary about someone they used to like is a constructive use of their time?

“This fuckin’ ssssscumbag online with some baby-boy, anonymous username!”

that poster is better than the hundreds of garbage shit compound media puts out weekly

it's really just astounding. the skills of this subreddit seem to grow every day. :']

Thank you, your honor.

To my fellow autistics on this forum... bravo.

I'm so proud to be in obscurity with you guys.

You could almost say that it wasn't till we were sent to obscurity...that we found clarity.

Just to be clear, I'm not a professional "quote maker".

Man that was beautiful

Heh did someone need IMDb pro to add it?

Are you the real therealstinks?

If i say yes are you going to make fun of me?

I miss stinks & knickggers

Wonder whatever happened to that Brazilian fellow?

I suspect he's either that SaraLinn person or some other wacky character.

I suspect he's either that SaraLinn person

Of course, it makes sense now.

I did

I'm not an IMDB Pro user but I work in film and submit stuff all the time so they know me there.

I like how crowder adds his gay YouTube show like its a real thing

Be careful. The MDE migrants are probably his biggest fans.

"If I shoehorn in topical references to tenuously related subjects, I'll surely be popular!" The faggot thought, gayly.

You don't think a bunch of twigboy alt righters like faggot Crowder and his cornball crusade against the "snowflakes"? It was perfectly related, you negro fellator.

One appeals to edgy spiteful social rejects, the other appeals to the braindead tryhard children of republicans. You're an altrighter, do you like chowder?

The fact crowder takes himself that seriously is a crime

You don't like those sketches and his funny voices.

You mean he won't be remembered for his tour de force performance as Father Callahan on Power?

This is the greatest timeline for this place. Amazing

lol Jesus christ. You should put in text for random reddit and youtube accomplishments inside those olive branch award templates to make it "official" u/porsalin

god I can't wait for the Sam documentary

It's so funny to me how legit the IMDB page looks now.

Vurry, vurry good.

louder with chowder is faggtry

I will never not refer to him as "The Tri-State Mollusk" ever again.

30% battery?


Enzo Trash.....BATTERY DIVA

The heartfelt reviews on there are fucking gold.

I like the way it ranks ahead of “Lucky Louie”.lol.

You don't think Smithsonian will archive his Vice show for future generations?

What about his stellar performance on The Knick?

This is just tremendous. Ironically it’s the most intriguing cover as well

Crowder about to drop some MAD TRUTH with a pose like that. IDK if I can handle it


Heh Feed nana is a billed cast member.

This sub has more artistic talent than its subject.


You're dead wrong. Jimmy is never going to be remembered.

Seems to be recommended under similar items for big films. Pretty sure as I'm in incognito mode that this appears for everyone?



Remembered? That's a good one.

this stupid "doc" is just a forum circle jerk of all of the typical sub criticisms of Jim. I finally watched it all last night and can't believe that anyone outside of this sub would give a shit about anything in it. You act like it's some groundbreaking piece of journalism when it's just the same shit you knobs whine about all day long in here, only given some sense of legitimacy because someone hired an guy with an English accent to narrate. Fucking lame and stupid.


Jim's current show sucks and he's made some missteps, but I can't believe I now come into a sub that is propping up a no-talent like Opie and ganging up like schoolgirls against one of the guys that actually made O&A funny.

Shut the fuck up you faggot

You make a mean ol' point.

At the end of the day, Opie wasn't the problem. Period.

Oh my god, that's the bit you idiot!

Some of you just don't get this fawkin' Reddit thing.

If i say yes are you going to make fun of me?

I'd like somebody to explain to Jimmy that just because you use the words "Sincerely" "Genuinely" "Honestly" with a sincere tone doesn't actually make what you are saying any of those actual things.

"I sincerely didnt kill my wife Judge I genuinely did not push her down the stairs I'm honestly telling you the truth I absolutely would not lie about this" - Guy who pushed his wife down the stairs.