The MDE posters are fags, I agree. But the people celebrating their demise are even bigger faggots. I'm personally not against taking them in here, as long as they behave themselves.

0  2018-09-11 by Every1ShouldBKilled

It stinks that so many homos are happy about it being shut down, because they're starting to get the idea that speech that they just generally don't like can be shut down as well(ex. the StopAdvertising sub). Plus, the Left and (((others))) have already won a big, public victory against Alex Jones, so they're high off their own asses right now with the power they have that they wont admit to having.

We're not trying to take down SJW's, but we will razz them. We enjoy joctobering random people, and most of all we live for making three middle-aged men very miserable in particular. There's a theory and a process to all of this.

So if the "incels" want to join the Scorch/Falcone Army; I don't see why not. Just as long as they stay in line, and the mods stay on top of them.


Nice armistice, stupid

you're welcome

we got it


You really put your heart into this huh


There's like two people complaining, calm down.

fake-rational faggot.

You already got enough attention from me, little gay man. Go find another crush, we've spent as much time together as we're going to.

Open your mouth again and you'll get as much attention as I feel like giving you. Sissy faggot.

We'll sit back & see how this ages.

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These pseudo-militaristic posts are gay

“We”, who the fuck is “we”?

I!...the royal WE, yknow? The editorial?...

Nobody who wasn't an OnA fan doesn't need to be here. I come here to see scribble drawings of Anthony blowing trannies not Jew statistics.

Just because we dont mind people saying nigger doesnt mean we're some kind of refuge for a bunch of incels who know nothing about this sub. Also, places like reddit and Twitter dont have to host any conversations they dont like. We exist because we abide by the rules. They dont because they didn't. Fuck off to another platform that allows your bullshit. Not welcome.

I second this.

Hopefully people in your family get raped and strangled by illegals, but you're probably not white so they wont be targeted. You're the same type of person who canceled Norm's show on Fallon.

You don't really fit in.

Ok dude. I actually read the norm shit today and thought the people attacking him were douchebags, but I guess that doesnt fit your faggot us and them narrative. Die.

everyone I don't like is an incel

Go to sleep and dream that H-dawg is pres you absolute fucking loser.

Dude, do I even need to be here for this? You have your strawman all set up lol

You're a problem. Period.

Problem is that like the posters from bss, they will repeatedly post nonsense that will shut this place down.

This is a sub dedicated to the destruction of three formerly beloved radios hosts and their associates, not a daycare for edgy retards.

liberal control freak faggot

They lack a certain je ne sais quoi

I won't comment on the MDE sub because I've never looked at it. But I like Sam Hyde. However, I do hate Mike David and the RedBar faggots who, on more than one occasion, tried their hardest to subvert this sub and make it their own.
They made it seem like that mancow-voiced kike had some genius insight... like he wrote the book on Anthony, Keith, and Compound media in general being incompetent, unfunny idiots. And that any condemnation of him and his shitty show was automatically being a Cumia ball washer when nothing could be further from the truth.

Now that you tried the rational approach, take this as a lesson in how rabid and insane these people are. You can't debate them, you can't reason with them, and you shouldn't try to.

Mock them, bully them and humiliate them, and make them feel like shit. That's all you do. It's exhausting but it's better than wasting your time trying to reason with them. I hope you learn this lesson and learn to spot the type of users, such as u/liberterrorism and u/TOPICALJOKELOL

Dude, get a hobby lol.

I think this guy has a crush on us


Dude, do I even need to be here for this? You have your strawman all set up lol