O&A Never Dies

4  2018-09-11 by RelevantField

Seriously, it hasnt been a thing for over 4 years and we still are here


Steve C did.

too soon

And Patrice...


And Otto

And George.

I can't wait until Danny dies.

For one second I thought you said Denny. You were this close to a motherfucking.

We got him institutionalized. That's a start.

/r/DunderMifflin is one of the most popular fan subreddits at the moment and that hasn't been a thing in 5 years. You can get 10K upvotes there just for taking a screenshot with the subtitles on.

Yeah well have they gotten one of the actors on that show to make an ass of themselves on the Peoples Court? Didn't think so.

Jan from the Office is on Cameo...

The Golden Age has only just begun.....

As we transition into the Opie & Carl era

Heroes are remembered, but legends never die

"We still are here"

Nice phrasing, stupid.

I've got no place else to go.

The sub is probably funnier than the last 4 years of the actual show.

This is funnier than most things these days.