What the F is "MDE????"

6  2018-09-11 by OpiesInnerCircle

Who are they and do they have anything to do with the O&A Universe?


They are Jew haters from what I can gather.

So just the average person?

Some alt right soy boys

Near as I can tell, the MDE sub are a bunch of guys that wish they were a part of this sub and were frequently begging for our approval. Now that they're homeless, they're hoping they can slip through the cracks.

Why don't you search around and find out? We're not your secretary for when you're out of the loop. Either constantly patrol this subreddit 24/7 like the rest of us or leave.


I don't recall voting for you in the "Spokesman of the Subreddit" elections.

He won in a landslide! Biggest voter turn out in sub history, folks. Huge! Some are saying he shouldn't be Spokesman, just like they refuse to look into Hillary's 33,000 deleted emails! Sad!

Feed Nana

Such a friendly place

You shut the fuck up

The autism is way too out of control in this sub to find any coherent explanation of any bit of faggotry.

"Million Dollar Extreme"; it was a comedy that lasted six episodes a couple of years back - more than the "Tracey Ullman Show" reboot, but less than "The Joel McHale Show with Joel McHale".

Their fans decided that it was cancelled not because it wasn't funny, but because of Ze Jews (even though the actual show wasn't particularly anti-Semitic) and have been making the same tired "Jews Did 9/11!!1!" jokes edgy teenagers have been making since 2001.

Their sub just got banned because... I don't know, boredom?

Looks like /r/AdultSwim (their old network) are super on-board, too:

And, if that wasn't enough, there's another piece: MDE is a boy's club. Charls, Nick, and Sam are a trio that every MDE fan wants to be a part of. Many MDE videos were casual in nature. They took place in Charls and Sam's house, or during a hangout between the three. To a fan base composed of young men confined to their rooms and deprived of social interaction, MDE was like an extended social group. A vicarious bro-dom. A way of feeling a connection to other men by proxy.

Sam Hyde is simultaneously a father, a brother, and a son of everyone in his fan base. There's a fair amount of typical, hipsterish insularity to their behavior.

Sam Hyde was a former Ping Pong Pizza employee, who, allegedly, supplied underage girls and drugs to the compound in exchange for framed Big A NYC photos and DVDs from deepdiscount.com. Anthony also threw him a couple of bucks and a couch to sleep on if he cleaned up the jizz and the jacuzzi after a compund party.

I heard they're a bunch of unfunny fucking faggots and I heard it from a very reliable source.

Thanks for the info! I now know I can skip over any MDE thread as they pertain to nothing in the O&A Universe.

I fucking hate you