Is There Any Way You Could Go Back to Liking a Racist, Like Anthony Again?

0  2018-09-11 by OpiesInnerCircle

I have to admit, when I thought it was a bit on O&A, I would giggle sometimes, but, as Anthony's racism became a hard reality, I turned away from him. If he apologized and stopped the racist shit, is there any chance you could go back to enjoying him?


he has to go all the way, rachel dolezal style

He's about 9/10ths there

All thats left is him admitting he's not white

I honestly don't give a shit if hes racist, a pedo, woman beater whatever. Hes just not funny anymore thats all I care about. I honestly don't think he was ever funny. I just happened to be young and dumb when he was "famous"

ant isnt funny

the only problem is ant isnt funny

hate coloreds, beat women, just make me laugh

Anthony crossed the threshold - there is a cycle of negative where content creators (typically Youtube people - but it applies to Ant too) where they get negative feedback, respond negatively to it, resulting in more negative feedback - at some point this crosses a line where the negativity is so surreal that the person responding to it is no longer living in reality (Ant putting up bounties, believing everyone is fat joker) and no one, NO ONE comes back from that.

I don't care that he's racist, I care about him talking about it constantly. A bunch of black muslims moved onto my street, you don't see me constantly talking about it. I just throw rocks at their windows like a regular racist. Ant takes things too far.

The bell every once in a while was funny on O&A, but now it’s he’s upset because he can’t say nigger on Twitter

“bunch of black muslims moved onto my street”

Very sorry to hear that.

I don't care about racism. I care about his stupid ass being funny.

People point out the racism way too much and not enough for the fact that he is a fucking hack now. If Anthony were a stand up comic, everyone would be making fun of him for having the same act since 1996. I wouldn't care if he travels to his homeland of Zimbabwe and starts building houses for those people. It wouldn't make him any funnier.

I think the racism has negatively effected the comedy. As we see from twitter over the last few years, he obsesses about it. Earlier on in the O&A days (before he lost it) he would probably spend his limited brain power on what would be funny for him to say on the radio instead. Now he spends that time thinking about how he can convince everyone that blacks are bad and whites are great.

For all those saying that you don't care about his racism, I do. For me, he went from being a quick draw funny guy to a racist ugly man. For me, his racism takes away all the otherwise good qualities he may have.

you implied that racism is bad, so now the entire thread has to be full of people letting you know they're cool with racism. that's how it works around here.


Thanks for the input, Mammy ;)

If Anthony took a baseball bat to Joe's skull, it'd be a good first step to regaining our love.

Ant has become so pathetic at this point I envision a scene like in Boogie Nights when Dirk Diggler meekly returns to Jack Horner after the botched cocaine deal where Ant, confused and lost, returns to Opie looking for help and forgiveness and they both reconcile knowing they are shit without each other, but it's too late for anyone to care.

of course there’s something wrong with him. He’s a neeeegro

I never stopped liking him. Sit on them apples.

No fuck him and all trumpkins