Reminder: Worm Norton tried to find a place to go onstage on 9/11

13  2018-09-11 by hoohootellemkeith


Shame he wasn't performing at the twin towers

Eating a bland egg whites mustard final breakfast at windows on the world


He'd just slither down the side

Let me guess, subconsciously he thought his comedy was going to bring the nation together

Imagine being that much of a self centered little piglet.

He was frantically squirming to try and get out that first "rather be in a plane driven by mohammad attah" joke he'd go on to repeat 10,000 times.

It's a tough one man... On one hand thousands of people were just horrifically mangled to death near here, but on the other hand the people might want to hear jokes about trannies pissing and shitting on me.

Did you ever consider that BABY BOY


Jeez Jim let the dust settle first before you tell people your stinkers.

If we don't listen to a midget pervert ramble about his disgusting fetishes borne of childhood sexual abuse.... The terrorists win.

I remember reading an article about how Chris Rock did standup either that night or very soon after and he did a bit about how all those bankers were such terrible people they were probably desperate to do something positive to try to correct their karma before they jumped. “Uhhhh....uhh.... Nice shoes! AHHHHH!!!” Made me laugh.

Look at the top comment. This fawking guy was ahead of his time.