Does Anthony still have a show?

5  2018-09-10 by RBuddCumia

Haven’t heard from him. How do we know he’s still alive without a social media account?


Well whats your definition of a show?

Repeating jokes and referencing movies from at least 20 years ago with burnt out open mic comedians all in front of a green screen?

Hm. I might know of something, next question, Are you willing to spend in the ballpark of $100 a year on said show?

Yes. I have money for Netflix but I don’t want premium content or streaming movies. I want a guy saying “nigger” with a chubby guy from Detroit.

I can make that happen! and what if I told you...for no extra can get access to a morning show with a guy who was the comedic relief on a fox news show at 3am?

Does said morning show also feature a former leg chair occupier who has maybe three good years left?

You bet your ass it does! Come join 100,000 other good people like yourself who have seen the light and now rejoicing in the graces of!

Also, doing Jessie Ventura and Dice Clay impressions in 2018.

You know. Saying 20 year old movie references itself is outdated. It's 30 year old movies now.

The live show thread on r/TACN got SEVEN comments today so it's hotter than it's been in months.

Comment count wise, it is three and a half times hotter than "In Hot Water" (2 comments) and infinity times hotter than all over shows on the successful Compound platform.

It is still only about 3% as hot as Anthony's best selling memoir, which has sold in excess of TWO HUNDRED COPIES!!

But surely that’s an error. Nana has over 100,000 subscribers! #FeedNana

Totally unrelated, but Joe Cumia had credit info on demand and identity theft protection for a year and a half!

Shit’s dire over there.

Several of those are talking about how the app is "hot garbage", their words

I subscribe to that one purely to laugh at the lack of activity.

I check it every now and again for the same reason but I don't need a daily empty "Mornin!!" thread on my feed.

If nana had written that book 5 years ago, he could have pitched it endlessly for 4 hours a day to an audience of millions. Bad timing because now it looks like dozens, generously.

Only if your definition of a "show" is a hideous 60 year old sitting in front of a green screen saying "nigger" than he sure does.

Nobody knows or cares. There’s also nothing he can do about it because he’s a low energy asshole to everyone around him.