I know we all hate Jimmy and Chip now, but I still think it would be funny to CHIP ROLL Sam Harris and Jordan Peterson.

0  2018-09-10 by Every1ShouldBKilled

Harris does a weekly or daily podcast called Waking Up, where he reads viewer mail in the beginning of the block. Peterson does monthly Patreon Q&A's, where he does the same thing.

Would be funny to get them to read off Jerky -er- CHIPISMS to their confused fanbase. If not that, they can at least be Vos Rolled...


Why not Nana-roll them like what's been going on with cameo?


get a Feed Nana in there & we're talking.

especially funny as Harris / Peterson are guys Anth would love to have on his show.


can everyone with a good idea not post like an enthusiastic sillyboy please

fuckin sick of this place today

Listen to someone else. Ive been on this sub since i was 18. I dont fawwkin care anymore.
