I don’t know, didn’t your brother use an anonymous alt account for like 4 weeks?

61  2018-09-10 by RBuddCumia


Very simple question, for obvious reasons...

Should accused pedophiles be allowed to enter into contracts?



Thank you

How does he expect this to work? He wants twitter/Facebook to verify every users' real identity as if that could possibly be a good thing?

Joe could probably benefit from being online anonymously.

He's really bad at this.

Just because they are dumb enough to publish and record all their dirty laundry they want everyone else to.

Well you have to actually *have* a job in order to consider maintaining it.

Very simple question, for obvious reasons...

Should all internet users be forced to surrender their private information for data harvesting purposes in order to participate in online discussion?

Yes, anyone who attacks me should face consequences. No, I agree with online terrorists and card carrying white supremacists.

It’s everyday now....everyday he posts something dumber than the day before. He is the dumbest.

Joe is comically foolish. If someone wrote a character like Joe he would get called lazy.

It used to be that you were a loser if you weren't anonymous online. Then all the ad companies came along and tried to de-anonymize you, and got their blogger partners to write articles about how bad anonymous trolls are. There's literally no reason not to be anonymous online.

Considering how often they're online the Cumia brothers have an astonishingly poor grasp re: how the internet works. These guys have been online for years, yet they're still openly courting trolls and getting scammed on Facebook.

Yeah but how does everyone I've ever met gonna see the pic of my eyes and tell me BEAUTIFUL! ?

Shit. He's going to send the results of his poll to reddit and get us all in trouble.

I really want to sign up the brother joe entertainment email for hundreds of online job search websites.

The dope used his real email. I say go for it.

Whats his e-mail???


Corrado Soprano, comment?


Very simple question, for obvious reasons...

If Joe Cumia's brain had a twin would it die of loneliness?

No. If it were a twin (especially a parasitic one) it would most likely also be stunted, bordering on retarded. The two mongoloid brains would pal around telling everyone how smart they were until all their old friends stopped talking to them for the lame shit they’d say. It wouldn’t bother the brains because they be too deficient to realize they’re idiots.

Sounds a lot like the Cumias. Unfortunately the only one to fall victim to a lonely brain is Anthony’s mother and not the other two creeps she lovingly raised.

if Joe Cumia had a brain it would rattle!

He seems to have a lot of time.

Joe also used an anonymous account to trash his brother about going to rehab.

What a crying faggot