US Says Assad Has Approved Gas Attack In Idlib, Setting Stage For Major Military Conflict. (Once again, the US is posed to destroy one of Israel's enemies for it.)

0  2018-09-10 by kidxer


Thanks, I've always wondered about foreign affairs while posting on /r/opieandanthony.

This is a fairly woke crew, for the most part...

Feed Nana, kike


for the record i am not defending this specific faggot

this sub isn't a political circle jerk

Gas attack? Wait a minute...wait a minute...pfffft

They should of fed nana instead of gassing her

Fuck off arab lover

I hate Arabs too!

I say we turn the whole region into a magnifying glass.

Israel, Israel; it was, really, nothing #FranklyMrShekels


Stop spamming this shit. We're too busy getting f-list celebs to criticize a geriatric homosexual.

Get the fuck off this sub