Netanyahu Warns Putin That Iran Wants to Destroy 6 Million Jews - (yes, another 6 million lol... It's as if they pick these numbers out of thin air...)

0  2018-09-10 by kidxer


Oy vey its annudah shoah!

The United States and Russia should team up with Iran to complete their mission

It's not out of thin air 6 is the number of satan think about it

Always 6...


Fuck off anti-Israel shillposter we don't want you here

Shalom, Shlomo.

Schnikel bout it

tbf there probably are just about 6 million there. How is that a warning though? "Watch it Vlad, they might kill 6 million of us" ...what's your point?

Got a worrying amount of Jew shit in your post history there Goebbels.

I just honestly hope you know, if Jews controlling the media or whatever is the entire ocean, your life efforts posting reddit articles will never come close to taking a drop of water out of that ocean. You are a microscopic worm trying to take down a dragon.

Rich Vos will be performing at Mohegan Sun Thursday September 13th, I'd recommend attending a show as it will enlighten you that some Jews can absolutely kill on stage and yet find zero success in their careers.

Things change...

this is a long bad post

Nice discovery, Sherlock

Guess the US should give them billions more of our tax dollars. Fuck these people.

6 million is also known as a banker's dozen

He should quit Stalin.

Get the fuck off this sub