Alex Jones is banned from Twitter and Facebook and so is InfoWars. Anthony Cumia is banned from those platforms yet Compund Media still has access. This isn't fair and needs to be reported.

80  2018-09-10 by unclepaul84


I like the way you think sir.

Compound Media needs to be deplatformed from social media

Twitter and Facebook won’t do anything. PayPal on the other hand...

How is the app still on Apple app store?

It’s fine. By all accounts it doesn’t work anyway.

Also forgot to mention that Compound Media owner is on Alex Jones payroll and spews hate on InfoWars. Permanently deplatforming Compound media show be a no brainer.

Alex said on one of his shows last week that Anthony was banned from all the social media sites because of his politics. I don’t doubt that’s what Anthony told Alex, but the fact that he’s trying to pretend that he was banned from Facebook is hilarious. As if that’s less embarrassing than throwing a tantrum and deleting your account.



Anthony gets all riled up like some dork trying to impress the cool kids when he's on that show.

"It wasn't a little reddit site that took me down, it was a leftist shadow agenda!"

"The leftist globalists have created a rumor of me being involved with transsexuals!"

No, it's called you used Twitter to call Cher a cunt and attack black people all day long, Nana.

explain without being a fucking reddit faggot how this is in anyway funny

Shudup up ya fucking rat.Put your cunt hat and fag mask on.