"Holocaust" and "6 million Jews" stories brought to you ever since 1869 by Jew-owned "Newspaper of Record"

0  2018-09-10 by kidxer


what has this got to do with O&A


Autism is pretty sure it owns the internet now.

Trust Jews, you lose

1869? Try 2018

I bet they don't teach this in holocaust class.

you and nana

You're almost as obsessed with jews as Anthony is with blacks.

I'm just a Jew that is sick and tired of evil zionists fucking things up for us good ones. The decent Muslims out there should do the same with their evil jihadist brethren.

When you repeat such basic bullshit like “99% of jews are ashkenazi” in your memes about Jewish bloodlines, you come off like a really dumb teenaged edgelord, not like the well intentioned kind of smart guy pretending to be a Jew you desire.

Shalom, my friend.

Seriously, your tired propaganda would work better if you didn’t make such glaringly obvious mistakes in your post titles. So, instead of saying “99%”, try “most”, “the majority”, or “over 65%”. That way you don’t discredit yourself from the outset, and more people will go onto read the rest of your horse shit.

Thanks Schlomo

Anytime, Abdul.

It's Abe.

Okay Abu