Foundry - Pendulum

10  2018-09-10 by AuschwitzComedyJam


The pendulum really has swung back the other way on the Opester.

Its a catchy tune really

I could see liking this in in 7th grade.

Nice weirdass drumming at the begining stupid

Steve's voice kinda sounds like the South Park guy's singing voice. I don't know his name the guy who does Randy Marsh and half the other voices.

Nobody rhymed way and way like Steve. I miss him.

Imagine you work for a comedic talk show, but you have the personality of a nagging shrew, with no comedic instincts whatsoever.

Then Imagine you try to take advantage of a bureaucratic loophole in order to work four days a week while everyone else has to work five.

Your boss fires you, justifiably. Because you have a terrible attitude and work ethic.

So you kill yourself, even though you literally have a tiny child who is depending on you.

Steve is the unsung asshole of the O&A universe.