Anthony Cumia....

22  2018-09-10 by RBuddCumia

Is a faggot.


(allegedly). You don't want to get Sued for liable.

Lawsuits can be made Lighting fast.

It's libel retard

we got a lawyer in our midst.

I'm not a lawyer, in fact, I've been to court less times than both cumia brothers!

Okay Mr. Smarty pants, but can you play Journey's Who's Crying Now on a Chinese counterfeit guitar wearing a skullcap onstage in front of 10-15 people?

No, but I can belt out Separate Ways while my brother gets left by a tranny with tits that he paid for.

He also voluntarily abandoned his social media accounts and mother.

Antnee Cumyers is a bad man

Jim is a traitor worm faggot

Don't forget scummmmmmmmmmbag

A pedo faggot.

Feed that mufugga. Feed nana.

On his birth certificate it is actually spelled Anfernee which is the common spelling for Anthony amongst his people.

"nigger" is also acceptable

He's a good mugg.