Creepy fucking weirdo. [4:43]

4  2018-09-09 by RapistWithHIV


It's baffling the stupidity level of the average Jim/Chip fan:

Chip and Ant are THE BEST ENTERTAINMENT GOING!!! Ants laugh when Chip called Ant the SAME OLD PIECE OF GARBAGE killed me

Its painfully unfunny and this is coming from someone that used to like it. What the fuck was wrong with me.

Its really to me like the evolution from dying laughing at jackass as a 14 year old, to now just staring at it blankly. But at least that was half my life ago, and ive matured a fair bit. Im not vastly different than i was a year or 2 ago. I can't understand why anyone would find it funny at all now. I can only put it down to going from liking Jim a lot, to utterly despising him now. The laughs he gets must be something like sympathy, because there is no wit or originality at all.

If my theory is correct then it means we can break him. We just have to open their eyes to the evil he does, and his fans will disappear.

Jim totally doesn't book guests for his own deviant proclivities.

Vapid porn girls enthusiastically lying about being turned on is so annoying. We know you're not wet from this wormy queer pawing at your tits, shaddap!

I still enjoy Chip. But I have a very high tolerance for bullshit.

Its people like you that allowed the Rwandan genocide to fail

Who the fuck still watches the chip podcast? I couldn't even make it through the first one

No more Lenny, Ant or Lauren. Vos hated doing Chip; Bonnie refuses to ever do it. DiPaolo lasted 15 minutes once. I hate Jim but I like this Silly Sinking Ship!