Who is Jim's sponsor from AA?

14  2018-09-09 by Ant_Sucks

He mentioned once that he had to call his sponsor when Amy Schumer brought some pot brownies over. If we're going to do this right, we really need to get his sponsor drunk.


probly some other faggot who isnt addicted to shit


'I genuinely need your help dude, honestly. Amy literally brought over some pot brownies and if I'm not careful I will eat some and relax'

'Brownies? What are you, 5?'

The one time Florentine wouldn't sound like a dopey New Jersey dad.

The guy with Tourette’s


Holy shit, it would be so great if his sponsor ditched his ass for being such a god damn worm. If its a half way self respecting comedian they might. If its Vos he might not because he just loves that 'former addict' talk shit SO much.

Also, he's trying to be sober from EVERYTHING? Does he turn down prescriptions pain meds too or is this yet another way he just full of shit?

He said that if he skips a dose he throws that pill away

He's full of shit, then. When people try to go the 'sober everything' route the only pain meds they can take are shit like aspirin or ibuprofen. The amounts they give you aren't carefully constructed for their timeframe. If its 2 a day for 30 days, so they give you 60, you suddenly aren't going to become crippling addicted if you stretch that over 40 days.

He's just picking and choosing and ODDLY picking the ones that are more popular than others. How interesting. Stupid little attention whore worm.

Why would jim be in AA?


Correction: he said he “called a couple people (sponsors).” Because he was so motherfucked by those scuuuuummmmbags that left pot brownies on the table, he needed multiple sponsors for comfort and control.

Fucking faggot felt absolutely no temptation to eat a pot brownie. He's such a cosplaying lying asshole. Fuck I hate him so much.

One of his stupid alter egos.

He’s pursuing the Anonymous part more than the Alcoholic part.

People in AA probably hate him. There stories will be "so I drank a handle of vodka a day for years and years, almost died from DTs, murdered a family of four on my 5th DUI offense."

Jim: "Yeah that's like the time I smelled pot brownies the other day and got a little nervous. Even though I would never take one because I would freak the fuck out if I was that stoned."


Being a person in recovery myself and from listening to his advice show for years, I get the feeling that he hasn't gone to meeting regularly for years. He's a true dry drunk.

Always got the feeling it’s Colin Quinn

He called his sponsor when someone brought over pot brownies? That’s extremely hatable.

Easiest job ever

Mike Bocchetti.
Worm chose him to feel better about itself : turns out Mike is a (albeit slow) stud.

Christopher Moltisanti