Joe the comedian.

19  2018-09-09 by tonybygodcole


He is genuinelyreally awful

The fact that Opie gave Anthony a chance on a legit radio show can never be overlooked.

Anthony's "talent" is so incredibly specific that it only worked in the confines of the O&A show. He wasn't talented/driven enough to be a successful stand up (we all saw the Big Jay roast), he looks fucking hideous so he never would have been able to make it in TV/movies and he's a lazy piece of wop shit so any other opportunity that came his way he probably would've fucked up.

The fat, bald dud that is Joe actually thinks that Ant was so talented he was always going to succeed no matter what but the truth is that if Opie hadn't plucked him out of total obscurity and given him a chance he'd still be installing AC. Ant's success in life was due to an insane amount of luck and it's no surprise that this piece of trash has fucked it all up and is wallowing in obscurity now.

Hey, go on cytube for a few minutes. I wanna show you that Chronos Trigger thing.

If I woke up tomorrow and read that Joe had been mangled to death in a road accident I wouldn't feel a shred of sorrow. He is devoid of redeeming qualities.

By DNA he means their cum

Or Lil Opetta's spit.

Dont be in here showing off with your missed call

And I collected some DNA from a dog turd I found floating in a clogged storm drain. In sixty years I'll have myself a retarded fake biker who can play every popular Journey song on a Chinese knock-off guitar.

Opie will gain all the respect in the world from me if he never talked to Nana and the worm ever again.

Opie calls up compound show "Hey ant I jsut wanna hash this out" hangs up in the middle of ants response.

Eat shit Joe.

So he put Anthony's name first when he want back in time.

What in the world is this

Alexander wept.

Most people would be embarrassed to even think this. Joe put it in writing and showed it to people.

Looks like Jenkem Joe is stealing Joe Currie's A-material

I don't get it

Fuck this dumb nigger, we give him way too much attention

Nana was a stern show reject. In all the years they spent trying to get parody songs on the stern show they never got one on there. One of the dumbest li potheads I know got a Karen carpenter parody through on his 2nd try. He wasn’t a racist though. - 10:48 or so, for Stern dismissing the Cumia brothers masterpiece 3 notes in.

Joe Cumia is a very stupid man

The biggest achievement in Joe's life seems to be a job his little brother had a decade ago.

coat tail riding faggot

The man who doesn’t have a day job and never had one... should seriously think about starting to look for one...

Yeah the one guy that stuck up for you and throw him to the side, real classy you larping faggot.

There is no way he isn't just trolling. He is so god-awful at comedy I'm starting to believe it's a bit.

I bet money that Joe has hated Opie for years, not because Opie is not funny but because he picked his little brother to be in the radio. I bet every day he day dreams that he could have been funnier in the radio than ant. “It was my oJ song that got us the gig” I bet he says that every morning.

Joe should be taken out in the most violent way possible, with all records of his existence destroyed.

Okay faggot what's next?

Why don't you genetically engineer yourself a job you old boomer faggot.

Get it......

If it bothers you, why do you follow? Sincere question.

It's like Joe's proud that he can write at a 7th grade level.

Hey, go on cytube for a few minutes. I wanna show you that Chronos Trigger thing.