Three days ago, complete and total idiot Joe Cumia guaranteed that Nike's stock would plummet and they'd dump Kaepernick and apologize. None of this happened and their online sales surged #ThanksAnt

60  2018-09-09 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


Weird. Usually what Joe says is so intelligent and articulate.

I hate to disagree but I actually think he’s quite a buffoon and generally has no idea what he’s talking about

I hope he loses every dime Ant gives him

Taking financial advice from an enemployed, <80 IQ, Long Island moron who got said advice by his highschool dropout brother. What could go wrong?

It's like he's a complete fucking retard or something.

The harder he tries to convince people how smart he is the dumber he looks. It's actually impressive at how he can keep outdoing himself at this level of stupid.

His constant malapropisms bring me nothing but joy

He really is lady di level moron.

"Buy high, sell low!!!" - Stock Analyst Joe


Why would he give a fuck if he loses money? It's not like it was even his to begin with. Fucking lecherous piece of shit.

He underestimated how much Kaepernicking has become the new ice bucket challenge.

Really? A stupid old republican fatbody failed to understand a trend? I find that very hard to believe.

I don't take stock advice from dunder-headed nitwits

Most of the people that buy nike shit are either already on board with their messages (blacks and wiggers), or just normal people that like nike and didn't even hear about this "scandal".

For real. I dont give a fuck about the brand. The shoes were cheap and do their job. Thats that.

You mean you don't stop being a fan of your favorite show that inspired daily cosplaying from you because one of the actors has a differs from you politically?

A show doesnt sell me a physical product that i NEED to use every day. My entertainment is a totally different story. (Im still a pretty big fan of classic oanda. Jocktober is still halarious.) But fuck you anyways. Dont blow the illusion. Bashing these fucks is a helluva fun time.

I'm on your side here dude... I'm juxtaposing Joe's ridiculous reaction to Ron Perlman's politics with your level headed outlook as a consumer.

Ahhh. Went right over me. Sorry brothaman. Im all amped up with all this new content lately. Just starving to shitpost.

Guess you forgot to laff

And now being a rapist is political?

Joe Currie attempts humor:

what the fuck's wrong with everyone called Joe?!!?

That’ bad

Calling Joe a retard is an insult to retards. He's the kid in Special Ed who the other special ed kids goof on.

Joe, please take out your safety pencil and a circle of paper. This week I hope we can finish our work on the letter A.

When I was in junior high there was a special ed kind who looked just like Jerry Reed from "Smokey And The Bandit", he had to be at least thirty. All he ever said was "___ stinks" with a huge retard grin on his face. Like, for example, if you were wearing an Aerosmith t shirt he'd say "Aerosmith stinks" and etc.

That guy was way, way cooler than Joe.

Probably a higher iq too.

"Sounds like someone's got a case of the sposedas!"

Read some more stories, the surge is minor compared to their overall losses in the last couple of years.

I love that he has no idea how any of these financial concepts work. So you're going to buy options (nevermind which kind), wait for them to fire Kaepernick. Then when the stock rebounds, short sell? What the fuck is he talking about?

He was short selling the options in a long play for an apology. Unfortunately his big play was interrupted by the fact that he has less than $2000 to his name and his broker kept saying “what the fuck are you talking about?” And hanging up on him.

No way Joe has $2K

Wrong AGAIN loser LIBTARD. HIS car is WORTH $5000. 😛😛😛

Are you telling me clueless old boomers didn't burn their collection of air jordans?

Let’s put it this way: the closest thing to an actual profession Joe has is guitarist, and his credit card bill for Chinese knockoff guitars shows he doesn’t even know anything about that.

imagine this really happened

A show doesnt sell me a physical product that i NEED to use every day. My entertainment is a totally different story. (Im still a pretty big fan of classic oanda. Jocktober is still halarious.) But fuck you anyways. Dont blow the illusion. Bashing these fucks is a helluva fun time.

Do you think one of the most successful companies on the planet maybe did a little research before making a move like this? I'm beginning to think Joe is a bit of a fool.

Imagine if you could go back through time and buy nike stock before they signed those niggers Jordan and Tiger Woods... then short sell it like Ant says to do before stock goes up.

People would have to respect you then, right?

Every person with common sense knew this was a smart move by Nike and they'd make a shit load of money from it. Which is why he didn't see it coming.

His constant malapropisms bring me nothing but joy

He really is lady di level moron.