Artie Lange calls Anthony a cunt.

165  2018-09-09 by Mr_Nigel_Igger


You’re late , stupid

Video is down. What is he referring to?

Some old greaseball

I think Anthony made the homeless reference on that interview he did with Bubba and Artie just got around to hearing it.

"Artie just got around to hearing it" LOL!

Hes got SO much to do in between riding to the ghetto, scoring dope and shoving calories down his fat fucking gullet, he just doesnt have time to listen.

Seriously, does he put that shit on cheeseburgers?

We’re the ones talking about a three day old tweet like it’s news.

Says more about Artie's popularity than it does us.

His schedule was swamped with road trips to Newark and heroin-induced naps. Glad he was able to pencil in a viewing.

If the slit fits, then it must be legit

I mean, yeah.

What a lightweight if "cunt" is worse Artie can call Cumia. Doesn't he read reddit?

That fella is retarded

I wish Anthony would hire someone to punch his face every time he does that forced, fake laugh.

He looks he did that since he came out of Ro's wretched womb.


But.. but Anthony told us he was the guy who managed to keep friendships with every ex-staff members and was cool with everybody.

This must be a mistake.

I mean he was the cool one to have Opie made all the hard decisions to kill off all the useless turds on the ona team while he was busy grooming little ladies till they were 17

Yeah, I always found that laughable. It's easy to be the good guy when you leave all the responsibility to someone else.

Artie’s not wrong

They both stink. Of course Ant is a cunt but he kept giving deadbeat Artie a paycheck for doing like 35% of his expected work.

It's odd how Artie seems to have great difficulty working with others, isn't it? Nonetheless, he's correct this time.

Anthony is an enabler and a piece of garbage - Artie, however, is not immune from being a cunt.

Here's the homeless person interview that Artie is referring to.

Make sure you fast forward to 24:21, because Bubba is one the worst, most desperate human beings to ever walk the earth.

Anthony's fake forced laugh at the start here is enraging - and he's clearly drunk in this video because that socially awkward fool can't allow himself to be open without being in the bag.

He also admits he's laying in bed, so you know the egg is embedded and on full-blast.

Enraging? Do you always mimic lil Jimmy's phrases or just today?

goddamnit, i've been out of the loop about the finer on-goings of the boys the past couple years but this video is so fucking sad. i sat in the audience in the XM studio a decade ago and this is not the future i ever imagined for these fucks, but i suppose it's the one they deserve.

Once you cross that 50 year threshold like he does...

Oh, Nana, you're a career drunk and Xanax addict. Both of those drugs wreak more havoc on your body than cocaine and heroin do, period. Besides the horrid physical dependency heroin actually isn't very bad for you at all. Even the worst addicts see themselves returning to normal after a year of sobriety. Cocaine is terrible for your heart, especially a fat fuck like artie, but going without cocaine can't kill you, unlike benzos and alcohol. Cocaine also doesn't destroy your liver, unless of course you drink on it, but heroin is a way better mixer for coke than booze, which is really saying something, as booze and coke is a match made in heaven.

Who the fuck does coke without drinking? I would hate hearing myself babble without being drunk.

The only times I did coke without drinking were the times I was using heroin with it. There's no need for booze when you have the best downer on planet earth to straighten you out. Speedballing is indescribably good.

Well, it looks like it can fuck your nose up.

Bubba is worse than Opie with the bad joke tags. "Ha, what about Terri Schiavo drooling!"

Thank you for your service, Sir.

That video he's replying to painfully unfunny.

Hiring Artie was a disaster.

Not only was he terrible on the show, but he made Ant worse (something that seems to be permanent), and they lost Gavin because of it.

It was the best thing for gavin.

I wouldn’t call it a disaster. Anything that further destroys Anthony’s show & his network, is a win in my book. I can’t wait for the day when Compound Media folds & Ant goes broke.

Didn't Artie call Anthony and Jimmy out for passive aggressively taking shots at Opie like, 12 years too late?

Starting to like this crackhead more and more.

Everyone has turned on Anthony, and he didn’t even have to do anything personally to them.

the sooner this retard dies the better

Which retard, Ant or Artie? I’d hate to see Artie die but I’m sure it would be long though & as far as Cumia goes if he died tomorrow I’d celebrate, fucking hate Cumia with a passion.


Artie... The one guy that's an even bigger scum bag than Anthony.

A cunt calling a cunt: a cunt....


I am convioused