Joe, we know you're reading this right now.

112  2018-09-09 by ChadKensingtonBulge

It's never going to stop.


Stupid joe cumia is a child-spit drinking niggerfaggot.

Hey hey language... It's saliva not spit.

The "harrasment" has just begun.

There's very little recourse America. Be careful

Terrorist tactics?

tsss yeah tictacs or sumpthin I'm hungry tss

We dont do baby noises here.

Hi Joe

hey joe, fellow musician here

maybe if you spent as much time practicing as you spend promoting you wouldnt have an asshole full of faggot nigger aids

just a thought

I know laudatory posts don't go over well here sometimes, but this made me laugh so much I almost drove my rig off a bridge.

That's an astute observation /u/call_me_winston.

The clown flies straight

Straight into Fagland


Pull down your SOA shirt, fish out one of those fat titties and #feednana

Ain't it fun?

Batter up

He's just asking for an anal raping. Just don't read the website and go about your life you alleged pedofile

How often do you think Joe has nightmares about this subreddit?

Well a new SOA spinoff us coming on soon and BroJoe will be too busy watching it...

Hey Joe, where you going with that spit in your hand?

U2 and Journey fucking suck and your bands make their shitty songs even shittier.

Also, you're an old man now. Nobody is intimidated by you.

Straight into Fagland