Do you think Nana gets the reference of “Feed Nana”, in the context we want him to?

4  2018-09-09 by SteveTech74


I'm sure he's seen the picture.

Maybe you should tweet it to him just in case... Oh wait...

Feed Nah Nah

Can someone explain this?

It’s a reference to one of my favorite Cameo videos so far

He’s 100% seen that beautiful masterpiece...Sue’s lop-sided tits and’s so funny

if anyone cares more than autists about all things nana and nana related, its nana

I've said it before BUT CONSARN IT, I WILL SAY IT AGAIN: our sweet old Nana is likely autism patient zero. There were no auts before him, but now there are auts. Coincidence?

Its perfect. Nana looking like the sphinx and shit.

Look at the game tape