Brother Joe talks about "the pact"

23  2018-09-08 by dropngo


Even if he's telling the truth he's still lying.

Regardless of the nature of this brotherly pact, he's totally leaching off his has-been brother's dwindling riches.

He should be ashamed.

Joe's shitty cover band is a hobby, not a career. A real man would have enough self respect to have a career, or at least a stable job that covers the bills. Anthony is paying his bills and child support. Also, according to Joe's ex, he launders Anthony's allowance so he won't have to pay taxes on it or be truthful about that income so he won't have to pay what he should be contributing to raise his daughter. You're a typical, lazy, entitled nigger living on the dole, Joe.

Even Joe refers to Anthony being funny in the past tense

"This is something very few families have." No, pretty much every family has at least one shiftless leech that feels entitled to a wealthy family member's money.

What is this terrible show? Who are these fucking losers?

No Filter Paul aka the fat guy sitting beside Drunk Nana in her videos. The woman I think is his wife.

Always sad when someone brings their girlfriend or wife into the mix who they did not meet doing the show and did not do any entertaining before.

Jesus he lost weight.

Jesus No Fucking Filter Paul has a podcast?! And AntH thinks he's special because he "has a show"?

I really hate that cunt, & I'm a lover not a biter... hate is hard to evoke in me.

"He would take care of your daughter for you.."

You bet Ant would

Joe says if he actually got the amount that was rumored he wouldn't be playing in cover bands. The rumor was 50 grand a year. What a complete fucking loser.

I heard 60, but that would be nothing in Long Island, right?

I don't know much about LI, I just know where I live is not that expensive. Also I don't have people to support like Joe does and I could get 50k a year and still be working another job.

That a lot of money to a small timer like me, hombre

He was bragging about the location of his daughter's seat on a Frontier flight. He may think 50k is a fortune.

Fucking gross. How do you actually tell this story confidently and don't realize what a fucking mooching slug you come across as?

Cumias don’t have the ability to feel shame. Everything they do, no matter how cringe or embarrassing, is great in their weird ass Italian incest booze soaked 75 IQ brains.

There is something so bizarre about everything he said. They grew up on public assistance, but he hates people that need assistance now? That Anthony cuts him a monthly check when Anthony clearly works for that money? If I somehow landed into money I would give my brothers a lump sum to help them out and say hey create something you love and that would be it. But a monthly check? Holy shit what a scumbag.

They were on public assistance because their father left at an early age. Circumstances that the Cumia boys are sympathetic to to this day.

Could there possibly be a less necessary or more unwanted podcast than No Filter Paul talking to Anthony’s brother on the phone?