The Roast of Big Jay Oakerson

278  2018-09-08 by Dagidugidai


So great to be here roasting Big Jay Oakerson. Although I think I got the name wrong, I was supposed to be roasting Black Jay Left-his-son!

Polite chuckles from the audience, mixed with a few groans

Okay, I got about half of you there. Kind of like how half the prison population is filled with blacks despite them being only twelve percent of the general population.

The polite chuckles stop

Big Jay has a podcast known as the Bonfire. He apparently got the name from the aftermath of a police officer shooting a savage animal.


Because, you know, those people riot and set cars on fire. Bonfire.


Ha ha ha holeee shit who else is on the dais tonight...

“Those people” set bonfires...and I’m DODGIN’ ‘EM

That's why I'm over here now. OH!

This was so accurate that I had to think back if he really used those jokes at the roast.

Did ya?

Wow. These are actually almost good. You should've wrote for him.

What, too real?

But seriously, I fuck children

YOU do?

It speaks to me

Things would truly come full circle for this sub if Michael Richards sued Nana for stealing his jokes.

And his hair

''So folks... NIGGERS!!!! AM I RIGHT? "

Always holding an alcoholic beverage in his hand.

Still no audio/video of this?

Thank you kind sir.

I think Beige Frequency said he has it, all he has to do is post it anonymously somewhere that doesn't give a cock about copyright



"I fucked your daughter Vos. HAHA HOLEE SHIT!"


Did he really do race shtick during the roast?

Is that really hard to believe?

50's space program

He stole Bobby Hills act

I don't get it. We're just posting screengrabs now?

Wait this is a drawing? Ho lee shit its so accurately real I thought it was a photo or something.

where are the gloves?


*Not depicted Beavis the cowardly cat

Haha he do be sayin' dis

Nigger guy! Nigger guy!

Needs an Alan Funt reference.



"Come on...?"

in light of the recent documentary this really is a step down

This isn't parody. This is factually accurate truthful retelling

“Have I mentioned I have a pool yet?”

Who’s this white guy?


Reading the jokes off his phone was the worst part for me.

The hair is too thick and lustrous.

The masterful artwork that comes from this sub truly makes me question my morals.

You can take that as a positive or a negative, either way it is a compliment.