Just saw Fat Bob Kelly play Laugh Boston

59  2018-09-08 by bigchair

He murdered. Old Beluga whale body and his crowd work is twice the comedian Norton will ever be.


I saw him about a year and a half ago at a packed club. What a delightful evening. You really get an appreciation for his mastery of presence, timing, and delivery. If he eats himself to an early grave it will be a real loss.


at a packed club

Every club Bobby plays is a packed club.


He's fat.


Fat guy, eats too much.



Big old fat fuck.



Weighs too much.

i don't get ir

His weight is just so large that he fills up the entire space he does stand up in with his Jabba The Hutt like body.

White girl eat a lot

I’ve seen him three times now and of all of these guys that I’ve seen live he and Big Jay have been the funniest. By far. He was also really nice after the show and paid me and my friend’s tab

It surprised me how funny I found Big Jay. I'd laughed at his fingerless gloves for years before I heard him on some roast. He was just a solid comedian

Paid your tab? What a nice guy

That's great. What a fat piece of shit.

Now I feel bad for saying mean things about that fat tub of lard.

On second thought, his addition to food is going to inevitably lead to his early death, emotionally fucking up his wife and son. Fat piece of shit indeed

How hot was your friend?

She was fat like me

He must’ve been showing off how much money he had.

I agree. I've seen Bobby once and he legit nearly made me piss my pants towards the end of his set. I've seen Big Jay three times and have turned into a giggling faggot all three times with tears of laughter in my eyes. Also, saw Gary Gulman this past Thursday and he murdered. Completely clean show but he made the crowd his bitch.

Alright we get it

I've always said that I don't really find Bobby Kelly that funny, but he can actually do his job without being a faggot and he has tried to galvanize a movement in the comedy scene. I like him personally above all, and I wish he'd drop the fat and become Beautiful Bobby again.

That being said, if you had an O&A type of scenario where Bobby was in the Opie role, Colin in the Anthony role and then someone like Keith Robinson in the Worm role, that's the thing that's perfect for him.

Also a pretty good actor

He should be in so many roles as Fat White Guy.


Despite looking like a fat eskimo, yes.

Check him out live. Him and Vos kill in person.

Fat piece of shit Robert Kelly

Have to give the man his propper title

Best part of the new documentree

I died at Porsalin's sincere delivery of that line in the worm doc.

We get it Bob, you're a dad. Stop bringing that retard with you everywhere.

Hey im workin on some new material let me know what you think: He should be called "Blob Kelly"

Nailed it

He's a genuinely nice guy too. Was there with his kid and seems like he's a good father. Hope he gets his shit together so he doesn't drop dead in the next 2 years.

His defense of CK in the Worm documentary really made me a huge fan of his. Bobbys a real dude

We can say a lot of bad things about bobby Kelly. He's fat, he's dumb, he has a shitty podcast, he's going to die young and leave his kid with no fatherly influence, he's a cigar douche, and he sounds like a cunt when he gets all sagey about comedy. But one thing you can't say is that he sucks on stage

You’ll be waiting a long time to see skinny Bobby kelly

Bobby is actually fucking hilarious. All of Norton's comic friends are remarkably funnier than him, Norton just uses his I'm a pervert gimmick to have more success. Cunt.

He should be in so many roles as Fat White Guy.

Have to give the man his propper title

Best part of the new documentree

I died at Porsalin's sincere delivery of that line in the worm doc.