Norm Macdonald Has a Show | Official Trailer | Netflix

94  2018-09-07 by crookedmile


I cant wait.

why did the man throw a clock out of his window?

because it reminded him of Richard Clock, the man who knife raped his wife

About fucking time.

Is that Letterman that looks like john the baptist?

I didn't see Larry King!

Dirt nap

Terrible news. I loved Norm MacDonald live but Netflix is not a good platform for this. We're never going to get jokes like the gold chains for a very good slave on that service, they wouldn't allow it. Just look at the guests. Judge Judy and professional cunt Jane Fonda.

I'm just happy to see him getting enough money to out effort into so ething and release content. Any amount of Norm is something to be grateful for.

It's nice for him yeah but what's the point if it's not the real Norm?

It's not like he's gonna sell out and put out a show thats completely out of his character that he doesn't enjoy doing. It might not be 100% unfiltered Norm but it's still gonna be funny. I just want Norm in any capacity, it's a disgrace he never got one of the late night spots.

I think this is his audition.

The youtube show was the audition for the spot Colbert took. Networks won't have Norm.

They don't deserve our ol' chunk of coal.

Well Netflix did hire Adam "Questioning the Holocaust like a Boss" Eget.

Raving anti-semite that Adam Egret. I wanna punch him right in the fucking face!

Something about this looks shit... i agree

it's going to be good calm down bitch

they're bleeping out the curse words, I hope they don't actually do that on the show.

They won't. Don't be ridiculous.

What his set needs is a 480p jpeg picture of new york taken by Ben Ratner.

What are those noises coming from the mouths of the people and the audience when Norm and his guests are talking?

I'm used to uncomfortable silence and alcohol sweats during desperate attempts at funny.

I'm use to jokes about the racial makeup of the 60's United States space program and z-list celebrity guests. This whole show is new territory for me.

I get that they're going for minimalist, but what at terrible fucking set and backdrop. They should have done something like Cavett but with a desk.

The youtube set was better

Wow, Norm and Chevy Chase is going to be nuts.

I agree Netflix will probably fuck this up but I’ll give anything he does a chance. Just finished his book and thought it was great

I'm not sure I believe everything I read in that book

It looks like a higher production value version of his podcast/youtube show. Which seems to have been deleted off of youtube

I'm happy for him, but this will almost certainly be worse

I hope this goes for at least 2 seasons before the outrage mob gets him.

Norm Macdonald Has a Show

what fucking gay "indie" title. i'm sure he had no choice in the matter

To be fair it is a play on Old MacDonald has a farm, so it’s not strictly just cute and self aware.


Ron Bennington Has His Own Cupcake

Netflix makes the absolute worst trailers so the fact that this looked decent is promising.

They couldn't have made the trailer for Norton's special any worse considering how decent the special was.

The trailor looked all friendly and upbeat with those 'emabarresing laughter' moments peppered in... in short .. like shit

Wtf is a trailor?

you tow it behind another vehicule

I swear I've seen the man to Norm's left jerking off homeless men under a highway overpass

Very reasonable prices though.

10 bucks a man I've heard tell

They were punks I tell ya.

I don't know who he is but his face sure looks like a cunt.

I guess I won't watch it. Not giving those heebs a cent after they put Obama on their payroll.

What kind of a retard actually pays for Netflix?

I'll sign up for a free month, immediately cancel my subscription, and binge watch the first season.

That's a terrible backdrop.
