Comedians Share the Jokes They Most Regret

5  2018-09-07 by I_want_Forbin


I was going to read the entire thing but how many times can yell “faggot” at my phone? I already do that in selfie mode all the time

This is officially the gravestone for standup comedy. It’s been over for awhile, but this shitty article killed it.

Apologizing for jokes is the hands down worst thing a comic could do.

Stand up comedy is fine. Now we are granted the gift of easily separating the career hacks from the naturally funny. The part of it that's dying was going to die anyway. Funny will always be funny, if the mainstream doesn't want that then fuck em.

a soulless lesbian hack being informed that her pussy blood jokes are insufficiently woke


I skipped through until I saw actual comedians anybody knew. I didn't stop often.

Okay, Weird Al is a cool dude who feels bad for saying midget. Fine. Silly but that's fine.

Scrolled...... Oh Kyle Kinane. Wow. I used to think he was decently funny but what a fucking faggot he comes off like here. Boo hoo rape jokes.

Scroll... Oh it's the wife murdering hobbit. Killed wife;didn't read.

Great article from a bunch of nobodies spilling their guts about their liberal guilt.

Fuck you Kyle Kinane.


I thought this was mail-related humor.

So, SJW cumrag 'Vulture' is trying to give hypocritical comedians a 'get out clause', & they're doing the beta-test with nobodies.

‘This whole “I don’t apologize for shit” or “real men don’t apologize” thing — that comes out of such obvious insecurity. It’s way more “alpha” to listen to your critics and say, “Shit, you’re right. I fucked that one up.” ‘

yeah ok, wifekiller
