Can someone edit all these celeb videos into one massive video? I can’t. I’m dumb and my shift is starting at Panera.

12  2018-09-07 by OpieEatsBoogers


You get to work? My cunt manager cut my hours for some shit about me having a bad attitude. I hope she fucking dies.

Come by my Panera, I'll make you a sandwich.

I bet your manager is cooler.

My manager is a faggot who owes me cocaine money, so he's my bitch and can't say shit to me.

Mine is a cunt who goes to church every sunday. She has a heart like a fucking stone.

All of our managers undergo a rigorous 3 hour course to train them to best lead their teams. - MGMT

Yeah, How to Be a Cunt in 10 Easy Steps

I'm writing you up.

Go ahead. That fat dyke cunt wrote in my file that I am not a team player so I'm fucked anyway.

Come by my Panera, I'll make you a sandwich.