1 year ago only 46 people thought this was funny. Now we are ALL feeding Nana.

130  2018-09-07 by JoeCumiasCockBreath


show who upvoted it.. we need to know who the true fans are and who are the lurking rats

Blood in Blood out https://imgur.com/a/OlEOo8m

Blood in Blood out, take 2: http://imgur.com/Y0IwGmO

if we really want to witch hunt, we need to know who supported that teff dog retarded shit, i bet 70% here did

This is a year old? I thought it was posted recently.

I'm talking about the original, you absolute fucking IDIOT

But I thought this was the first one, no?

It is.

I still have the original in the flat (that means apartment to you faggots)

you should auction it off for charity!

Wanna buy it, Pat?

I would purchase it.


Vodaphone uk


A limey created something you enjoy.

Surprise, surprise - we have different "cell phone" shit.

Metropcs bitch

Use nightmode you massive homosexual

I'll use faggot mode to avoid your comments in future

Not gonna lie, that hurt.

I created the picture that spawned #feednana

There's no shame in losing a word war, bud.

show a photo of the original art in a lift please, or go kick rocks

How about instead you go fuck yourself and you fuck yourself while you're doing it?

draw that! I will buy it

Dont get too cocky, son. This place can turn on even you.

I've never had a place in the sun, bud.

People who are popular don't have to remind everyone of their art.

Fucking idiot.

Too bad you limey fucks can't win a World War.

I still don’t think it’s funny. It’s funny that it’s spreading though

I still don't think you're a heterosexual.

You're not spreading.

I would think he is spreading though.

Ha ha HOLY SHIT! I didn't know this was a year old, I think I first saw it six months ago and thought it was new art then.

/u/Antscamera is a comment-deleting bitch

It was mean for no reason. I felt bad going after the originator of the Feed Nana.

Well you posted it so stand by it, shit-dick.

Ok, I said you can't win wars without us.

Gay as hell.

No one is at war.

I'm drawing stupid pictures of weird old racists, you fucking queef.

Carry on.

You're literally in no position to make fun of anyone if you are so horribly, cripplingly gay you have to delete your posts.

It's dumb as hell, but I've at least done something and also never, ever been so gay as to delete a comment.


I put this in the wrong place


You spend your free time drawing pictures of men buttfucking and can't make a single post without calling someone gay or a faggot. You projecting faggot.

Nice username for that comment.

I'll be sure to take your comments very seriously.

your a absolute cunt, but your artistic vision and impact cannot be denied

His dead eyes. I cry every time.

what cunt originally made the pic? deserves credit

Who do you think, tit balls?

you're a legend then mate


Sphinx's Sphincter.

I'll use faggot mode to avoid your comments in future

Wanna buy it, Pat?