I guess I'm a faggot

0  2018-09-07 by Random1200


Kill yourself

I wish you would've told me that before I opted for the annual subscription

I’m sure someone has.

You're an attention seeking nigger faggot

Fuck you


I hope you get gang raped by a gaggle of silverback apes

I believe the name for a group of apes is a “troop”.

You know you're enabling child grooming?

He's basically supporting ISIS.

At 5AM? You have to be Ant.

I’d insult you, but anyone who can watch Cumia’s drivel for 8 hours a week is already living a sad enough life.

no hate brothaman. I barely even watch compound media but will always be a subscriber because I #StandWithAnt and the bbboys have provided me with thousands of hours of amazing content.

Record his meltdowns and post them for us. That's the only reason to watch that shite.

Will do

The idea of paying for a podcast in this day and age is so fucking strange.

Yeah but this is the only Free Speech Platform TM out there. Freedom isn't free.

I'm listening right now. Florentine, Ann Coulter... Riffin about current events... Making fun of Kaepernick and faggot PC comedians. It's not bad. I get the point that tits has a free podcast but it's fucking terrible. Jim and Sam show is trash.

Wow, sounds like a bunch of new takes. I wonder what his opinion is?

"Riffing about current events" through a Alt-Right, racist lens.

You imply that you don't like political correctness but you're a fan of a guy who refuses to admit the truth and refuses to have a conversation with his opponents. He just blocks them instead.

PC police silence people for speaking out against liberal ideas, but your leader silences people for speaking out against him, even when those people just want to discuss the facts and aren't necessarily trying to harm him.

That's the main thing that blows my mind about Cumia fans like you. You act like Ant is a paragon of free speech, of getting it all out there, of letting people decide for themselves, but he's one of the most deceitful, untrue creatures you could meet. He's a massive hypocrite.

Ask him to admit his true feelings about how he got fired in 2014. You'll hear something like "My life is amazing! I'm glad I was fired!" That's a load of shit and both you and he know it.

And before you counter with the tried-and-true argument that I "Must be a liberal," I assure you that I am to the right of Göbbels.

Also, I like Ann Coulter, but shame on her for associating with a pedophile.

Fuck... This is deep. I'm just listening during business travel. Get a fucking life man.

Cool. Faggot.

This is its own punishment

Just like Anthony, we need a man on the inside.

You’ll cancel. They always cancel.

Enjoy riveting conversations with the great open mic'ers of Long Island!