Hey, Esther Ku! We know you lurk here, and we have a proposition!

65  2018-09-07 by Single_Action_Army

Please, for the love of Buddah, post your cunt and ass and titties and asshole.

The boys and I would GLADLY pay for the privilege... we throw away hundreds on gag videos and fake followers, just name your price and we'll see if we can match it.


post your cunt and ass and titties and asshole


eloquently put, sir


I fell like we could make a better deal.

money for "cunt and ass and titties and asshole" is a deal as old as time.
what do you suggest as an improvement, sir?

I only have a fourth grade education but I think we could combine ass and asshole into one. I know it's a radical idea but maybe we start with a closeup of the asshole and then pull back to reveal the whole ass. Best of both worlds.

itd be like a kubrick film

Brown Eye Wide Shut

Fucking Ken Burns over here

Ken Buns, booooooo

I disagree. Have you ever watched backroom casting couch porn? Showing the naked ass is one part. Having them spread the cheeks to expose asshole is another step altogether.


Now I'm going to ask you to bend over as far as you can, reach back and spread your cheeks

This place is filled with wordsmiths.

Hell, I'll give her a personalized signed photo as payment.

Tits or GTFO

Eat my cum you yellow menace

I would change her tampon with my mouth and tongue.

I'll pay you 2 grand if you let me fill you with my seed.

Are you talking to Esther or SAA?

Both, I hope 😘

She’s a middle aged attention seeking cunt

That's the hope, anyway.

She fucking better be or i'm afraid we are fresh out of luck, boyos.

Boys, Boys!, BOYS!

ALL of us want to fuck Esther Ku. None of us are kicking Kelsey Cook out of bed either. It's our curse as men.

I would pay 3,000 easy to sleep with Esther.

Flights to Thailand is 500, Asian thot will run you like 46 bucks plus tax.

Look, I fucking hear ya, and I spent some time last year in Hong Kong. But those girls are fucking dirty. Still partook, but I was so disgusted with myself. 3k to Esther for a few hours with her would be far superior.

Get on her mailing list...she was apparently offering pictures of her ass for 7.99

I don't want to see her ass for 7.99

I want to see her butthole for free

Fair enough. You can probably get that...at this point it's a waiting game.

Show me how you suck a cock, you dog-eating slope head

Show me how you suck a guy's cock. Show me witcher fish mouth

Couple beautiful girlss. You at the Kit Kat Club, eatin some cats?

We would have to promise not to share or leak the photos on the internet. For a sub full of animals, thats a tall order.

I just want the ass, to be cooooompletely honest witcha

This is supposed to be an Ester Ku themed sub.

We've already lied in the past.

don't forget ass

What a tactful approach...."post pictures of your cunt here....name your price"

Both, I hope 😘