Just doing my part

175  2018-09-06 by ChrisMMatthews


I watched this twice at work today. I always kind of liked Jim the most of the three. After watching this, I realized I hate him just as much as I do Anthony now. He is a fucking POS.

The cowardly, hypocritical refusal to back up Louie and actually INDICT for his non-crimes was where he put the final nail in his own credibility coffin.

It's like watching a sped up process of evolution and a scientist pinpointing each new stage. To the common eye you might miss it or not care. That's some worm ass shit!

7:11 - I never noticed what a fucked up shape Norton's head is. The back of his skull has this indentation that looks like he should be beheaded and used at cocktail parties as a fondue bowl.

Or any place you use a fondue bowl...

Nice closing parentheses, stupid.


Spiderman movie

Thank you for feedback. English is not my first language, I learned English listen to Opie & Anthony show which they played in the distribution warehouse I worked when I got here.

I used to think he was kind of an edgy degenerate pervert who lived some kind of debauched libertine existence but now i realise that he's just a pathetic closeted nerd who can't get laid or maintain normal adult relationships, so has to resort to paying people to fuck him and spend time with him.

It's really tainted any positive memories of him tbh.

this deserves an award that has grape wreathes on it.

Nice pluralization, stupid. Wreathes

multiple wreaths, you blithering idiot.

Did anyone tweet this at Jim Norton? Otherwise whats the point...

I'm sure someone has, but what would be funnier than this going semi-viral before he even found out about it? He'd be so mad.

this is true. he'd be steamed.

I did last night. to Jim, Travis, Sam and Troy, so far no comment

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Barely. This sub always falls short on giving Jim shit on Twitter. Ant's gone now, we should flood the worm.

Just imagining the people that google "Qadan" after watching this is the gift that keeps on giving.

Is this something I can listen to at work, or is it really visual?

Worth waiting for the visual

Oh fuck, I need to watch this NOW

"Fat piece of shit Robert Kelly" or however it was phrased has had me giggling like a fucking jackass all day.

Every other description of a person was clever and eloquent, but that was just frank. Great writing

It just comes out of nowhere in an otherwise very professional piece.

You should have waited a little longer than 7 minutes before telling the people here. Unwitting comments would have been interesting.