I thought the hardest part is knowing your children will grow up without a father, you fat tub of shit

5  2018-09-06 by ShutYourCakeHorn


As if the dressing he would use isn’t riddled with sugar

duuuude you get your fat free salad dressing, you take the cup off and dumo half the bottle on it, ya take out the 5 crutons that totaled 10 calories and BOOM! ya still fat

It looks like he dumped a whole bottle of thousand island on that thing, he probably licked that bowl clean after taking this picture.

Looks like creamy french dressing to me. So instead of eating 130 calories worth of croutons, he sacrificed it for 400 calories of dressing. Fucking lardass

That bowl is fucking enormous. He probably ate 10-20 calories right there.

Delusional motherfucker thinks he's chubby?

He’s only* chubby

Chubby is the "curvy" for guys.

If Bobby put on another 50lbs he would reach novelty freak show level fat, and start seeing some of that Ralphie May money.

72 hours and the sugar cravings will discipate Bobby. You're morbidly obese. Bobby could lose 25+ lbs in a month just from adjusting his caloric intake.

Good job blob kelly you saved maybe 200 calories. Considering you look to be well over 300lbs and are about 150 overweight you only need to cut out another 524,800 calories.

Bob Kelly is a fat pig.

He ate the apostrophe